2008-12-15 23:58:42 Alan

At the Scientific Junction of Great and Mortal, Exploring an

    Alan Tseng’s father majored in art and liked reading, so his house had many books about art, literature, and history. Many years ago, Tseng was influenced by his father and then he always enjoyed reading quietly in the corner. These books led him to like beautiful things and Chinese culture, but could not satisfy his curiosity about technology. He was driven, by curiosity, to go to bookstores and libraries. He found many interesting science books, and these books mentioned Isaac Newton many times. Thus, Tseng began to understand this is person and progressed toward his scientific path. More significantly, Isaac Newton ’s educational backgrounds, working patterns, and scientific attitudes contrast with Alan Tseng’s.

Newton was born in England in 1643. In the seventeenth century, Realism affected the implementation of education in the West. From a scientific point of view, Realism impacted on the teaching of science. The schools began to teach about life skills and the usefulness of scientific knowledge. Newton grew up in this kind educational environment and became an excellent student in middle school. When he was nineteen years old, he successfully entered  the University of Cambridge’s Trinity College to study. Newton was a professor at the University of Cambridge and awarded the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics in 1669. Between 1669 and 1696, he research ed Mechanics, Astronomy, Universal Gravitation, Math, Calculus, Optics, Electrostatics, etc. Newton was curious about everything. The most famous story is that he was hit by a falling apple on his head, and then he found the Universal Gravitation. Newton always retained the most innocent soul and carefully observed things in his life. His spirit of scientific research agreed with Realism of the seventeenth century; similarly, he did calculation and experiments by himself and used scientific methods to prove the truth.

    Alan Tseng was born in Taiwan

    Similarly, Newton and Tseng are interested in science. In addition, they like to find about truth. Newton used experiments to find truth. In the same way, Tseng gets answers by doing. Newton had maintained the innocence of a child. Likewise, Tseng hopes to have the same innocence himself. In e
ducational backgrounds, Newton was taught by western education which changed from studying form science to researching practical technology. Tseng was taught by eastern education which had already joined science, but it was the form science which focused on calculation and test. On the other hand, Tseng has lived in a rapidly advancing era of science and technology. In contrast to Newton , although Tseng understands the science education system is not good, he can get information very quickly. In working patterns, both Newton and Tseng taught science education. Newton who usually did experiments even then forgot to eat meals is different from Tseng. Compared with Newton , Tseng did not have much free time to research. In conclusion, Tseng hopes to be like Newton who was a great scientist, but their congenital conditions and their acquired environments are more different. This is the immutable fact that Newton had great attainments, but he died, whereas Tseng is still alive, and has an unknown future.

~Alan Tseng always hopes to explore an unlimited possibility!



(悄悄話) 2008-12-29 20:28:15
(悄悄話) 2008-12-22 14:18:12
(悄悄話) 2008-12-22 14:16:32