2005-01-20 12:50:18~寥若晨星~

The day before inauguration

The US presidential inauguration will be held tmr....My first and probably the last time to join this important event...

I get the ticket from the Congressman in Santa Cruz
I come to DC in such good timing
I am lucky, I think

It snows very heavily today...the weather is damn cold...-9 Degree...
It is going to be much colder tmr...No way!!

Today, I keep on playing around with those figures and graphs...and I discover a new function in excel...it is quite useful and exciting^_^

My partner leaves after lunch simply because her father comes to drive her back home earlier today...The ppl here are crazy, i don't like their working attitude though....

My supervisor sucks again and disappoints me again....

How come she can lost the data summary in 2003? They are so important for analysis....Or she even hasn't done the analysis in 2003...

She seems to be quite unclear about what I can do for her

She doesn't seem to have a clear pic, me either...Feeling quite confused most of the time

So now...i have to use the raw data from the database to create the data analysis for the yr 2003...it is a very tiring process...and then do the comparisons...

She is crazy....

The lesson is a bit boring tonight...and a girl from the class asks a really stupid question...she is a business student anyway...She seems to think that she has a good pt...

Asking question is really a good thing...but this is definitely not the case this time...

I met a very nice Singapore girl from UCB in the event tonight...she is really good and kind....I like her so much!

Even I really feel a bit suffocated and overwhelming in the event, but i am lucky to meet such good people

I see some people from UPenn though...they are proven to be crazy again...the real business genius...I am just wondering if there will be any socializing lectures in CU...

Anyway, being myself is the secret of a happy life^_^

I totally understand we are different,
so, we are going to have different roles in the society
but at the same, we are both contributing ourselves in a good way
we both have chances to be a better person, a real great person, according to the my favourite writer, Stephen Covey

By the way, I know someone is reading bloomberg by bloomberg
Hoping that i have chance to figure it out
This reminds me the company visit to Bloomberg, my first understanding of "real business" and "real excellent people"
I cannot forget this experience, even i didn't make the best of it at that time

Seven habits for highly effective teens seem to be a bit easy for me now, but it is a good start anyway...Proactive, the word impressed me the most.

I remember Straight From The Gut again...I wished I could have finished the whole of it...I was fascinated about Six Sigma at that time, i still remembered it. Jack Welch is always the best business leader in my mind.

I also remember One Up On Wall Street...It is a good but very difficult book...It germinates my interest in Finance, may be

Is it a good thing? Anyway, I would also like to say thank you to all the bombardment of new concepts and ideas

I think about those days, start to miss them a bit

It is all over now, but i will always keep it in mind. Always.