2009-02-12 14:59:41澳肥

[思源翻譯社練習文章] 研究老鼠有助治癒禿頭

[Alfred WANG 編譯]






盡管這項研究和發現令人振奮,但這些結果與過去觀察的結果相差無幾。不幸的是,更進一步的研究已經中斷,因為科學家無法產生任何有關人體毛囊再生的正面結果,而且人體皮膚不管在差異上還是在治療方法上都與老鼠皮膚不一樣。然而,科技在過去五十年來已有大大地進展,我們可以稍微樂觀地看待這件事情,因為它為幫助根絕掉髮的問題又邁了一步。追隨喬治‧柯特薩雷利斯博士(Dr. GeorgeCotsarelis)的研究發展是一件很有趣的事情,因為他與其他人合夥創立了「髮囊」公司 (FOLLICA),開始著手進行毛髮重建的研究。



Mice with deep skin sounds can grow new hair, was the latest discoveryrevealed by scientists. This revelation offers hope there may abaldness remedy for humans.

The mice regenerated hair at the site of the wound via a molecularprocess similar to those used in the embryonic development according tothe most recent research. These findings show that mammals possessgreater regenerative abilities than previously commonly believed. Theseresults dispelled the dogma that a mammal’s skin could not regeneratehair follicles. During these experiments, a gene called Wnt wasidentified. Wnt is essential for normal hair development. They werealso able to stimulate or stop hair growth y boosting or inhibiting theproteins activity at a molecular level, offering a possible alternativeto non-invasive therapies.

The regenerated follicles functioned normally continuing through thevarious stages of the hair growth cycle. It appears the hairs lackedpigmentation but otherwise was indistinguishable from neighboring hairs.

The researchers made relatively large wounds on the backs of adultmice, and found that if a wound reached a certain size new hairs formedat its centre with the skin undergoing changes that mimicked stages ofembryonic hair follicle development. Dormant embryonic molecularpathways were activated sending stem cells-which are able to transforminto other cell types-to the damaged skin. They are actually comingfrom epidermal cells that do not normally make hair follicles. Somehowthey seem to reprogram and commence to make a follicle.

The researchers also found a way to amplify the natural regenerationprocess, causing mice to grow twice as many hairs by giving the skin aspecific molecular signal.

Although these experiments and findings are very exciting, resultssimilar to these were observed in the past. Unfortunately, furtherexperimentation was discontinued as they did not yield any positiveresults in regard to humans regenerating new hair follicles, thehypothesis being human skin both differs and heals differently frommouse skin. Nevertheless, science and technology has progressedsubstantially over the past 50 years and it is quite plausible that wecan be slightly optimistic that this could be a step forward in helpingeradicate hair loss. It will be interesting to follow the progress andfindings of Dr. George Cotsarelis who is the co-founder of a companycalled “FOLLICA” which initiated the study and is committed todeveloping hair restoration research.