2009-02-12 14:57:23澳肥

[BBC News] 中國發生鐵路工安慘劇

[Alfred WANG 編譯]



這起意外是禮拜三在山東省發生的,官方人員沒有解釋為何拖延到禮拜五才發佈這件消息,而該公司的發言人將延後發佈新聞的原因怪罪到惡劣的氣候。發言人向法新社(AFP, l'Agence France-Presse)表示,當地那時候大雪紛飛,對外交通與電信通訊都非常差。




Workers die in China rail tragedy
Friday, 25 January 2008, 09:37 GMT

A high-speed passenger train has hit a group of railway workers in eastern China, killing 18 of them.

Officials said a maintenance crew turned up early for track replacementwork - before an order for trains to slow down had taken effect.

The accident happened in the eastern province of Shandong on Wednesday.Officials did not explain why it took two days for the news to emerge.

More than 100,000 people die each year in work-related accidents in China.

Analysts say this train crash once again draws attention to the country's abysmal safety record.

State-run media said the train had been travelling at 120 km/h (74mph) through the city of Weifang when it hit the workers.

Nine others were hurt in the accident.

A spokesman for the firm employing the workers blamed bad weather for the slow reporting of the accident.

"It's snowing heavily in the area and traffic and telecommunications are very bad," a spokesman told AFP news agency.

The train was travelling on the high-speed line from Beijing to theport city of Qingdao, where Olympic sailing events will be held laterthis year.

The accident came as China gears up for the New Year holidays, whenmillions of people will be travelling to across the country.