2018-12-26 15:39:04WitchVera

1221 賞讀 郭箏著

Actually I am not sure how to say or promote this novel to people who is native English speaker. Lots of dialogue and images were based on story in ancient China, it could be several thousand years ago. 

Perhaps it could be a good way to make some drawee about everyone, I guess.

Well, I enjoy every chapter, indeed. Read it from cover to cover again when I got this book back. Looking forward to having any opportunity if it made a film in the near future.

因為後面排隊等著閱讀<大話山海關>(郭箏著)催促再三於是半夜卯勁兒讀, 第21頁開始非常好笑且劇情角色引人入勝之外, 每個篇章都很有立體畫面且笑點十足; 不知道哪時候會輪回來讓我再讀一遍, 很謝謝林靖傑導演與郭箏先生先前在報刊的介紹才是.

即使讀得很快也讓直書繁體中文很有喜感生動與深度的和現實社會或生活產生聯想或連結, 好書多多分享! (喜愛關於刑天部分的描寫, 閱讀時很期待能看到未來有電視劇或影片攝製.)

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