2014-03-24 11:48:34WitchVera
轉載_醫師:患者在哪裡 白袍在哪裡
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---------增添以下文字於01:30am 25/Mar/2014---------
Show you the way that ROC police, who take-off their arm badge, treated people on street before morning-break on 24 Mar 2014. And, I'm going to share with you four articles that CNN report on web as underneath,
Taiwan is an island quite small on this planet. Things could be so complicated and quite different when 1)800 or 900 thousand people and/ or 2) 2 million people came and share our limited meal (jobs, water, fresh air and space).
當有80~90萬人一擁而上要成為家人來分食三餐, 與有200萬人的景況是不同的, 整個中華民國的境內真的太小. (資源也很有限!)
US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, we could count on their huge land, crops and head-hunter's market in our world. But once they had too many immigrants (and plus refugees) shall increases the level of difficulty that their government and people must deal with on the recent years, especially when their government shall deal with the unemployment problems related. For example, the tough situation of low-economic in Toronto, CA. It's not easy to clarify or even blame on any units there.
美加(或加上澳紐)地區雖大, 但經過金融海嘯且容納過多且不同種族的移民(或難民), 對其原有的人民與正失業的人口, 會更增加處理許多事情的難度. 例如 多倫多機場與市區的緊張與蕭條, 身處其中...嗯~ 其實不太好形容.
For Trade Facts in China that already pending on Legislature Yuan, ROC over nine months, President Ma and his cabinet refused to explained to the public now. And actually, the citizens may no longer trust Mr. Ma and his cabinet(or mayby what KMT or DPP said). I could only stay with CKS square, Taipei and read what Jimmy Bright post on his blog @PCHome tonight.
只是拖過大約9個月的服貿方案, 政府也沒有能力或耐心解釋給民眾知道, 民眾其實也不會相信政府(無論藍綠或其他黨派或人仕)說的, 我也只能在CKS square 靜坐; 反而有Jimmy Bright的解說能力與耐心在PCHome部落格裡, 是很不容易的.
Since I've been raised up on 196x in Taiwan, and I had already been through the efforts landing here. I really don't want to take the responsibility for CCP's mistakes and their faults in education in the near future. Because I could only feel how worry that my people here to feel in this small island. Also, I could imagine the solider's heavy duty on their shoulders(less meal for the frog-men and special force of ROC). I could not accept the policemen, who take-off their arm bedges, kick the people on the street before morning break on 24 Mar 2014. I had sleeping problem several nights....But, who else has a good sleeping all these nights in Taiwan?
走過國內的196x 人 事 物與土地迄今, 我不想揹因為對岸共產黨的謬誤與教育失策, 來增加境內已經很困難的景況, 尤其我沒法忍受軍人挨餓(尤其特種或兩棲吃得很少) 鎮暴警察拔掉徽章踩人, 所以幾夜難眠....或許其實誰又好睡呢?!
My relative members of same family living in Taiwan since 200 years ago, appreciated you read this small piece of article. Mercy to Taiwan and God bless you.
WitchVera: 其實在這個狹小的島國Taiwan, 兩兵相爭之後, 還要擊掌 擁抱甚至手牽手走出場子, 是難上加難的. 何況還有多方角力與政客 財團競逐呢?! 這與在加拿大觀看冰球賽(Hockey)後, 兩隊還互相鞠躬 握手 擊掌的感人當下, 非親眼所見可說明; 中場如果還有孩子們拿著小尺寸的曲棍在冰場上試賽, 就更是甜蜜的傳承了. 或許, 在那裏也會有拿曲棍在場裡打起來了的~~ Good night and good morning, dear. ^__^
圖片與網址連結是下載自網路的, 若有侵權請告知版僕WitchVera. 感恩您~~
2014-04-02 09:32:11
喜歡或者不喜歡 一半由己 一半由人.
喜歡您寫的太陽花, 孩子們成年前 社會要承受得起. 2014-04-03 15:56:13
孩子們要的 說出來了, 10年 20年後 還要觀察.喜歡或者不喜歡 一半由己 一半由人.
喜歡您寫的太陽花, 孩子們成年前 社會要承受得起. 2014-04-03 15:56:13
2014-04-01 14:07:42
天冷 場外的學生 熱情 忘了身體的照護, 這樣不好.
教授安安 2014-04-03 15:54:21
是我 一直巴著讀文賞圖, 好似對繁體中文的依戀.天冷 場外的學生 熱情 忘了身體的照護, 這樣不好.
教授安安 2014-04-03 15:54:21
教授, 我先罷工了, 請包涵. 2014-04-04 00:27:04