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【0604 網摘新聞】
1. 公投案駁回 ECFA加速簽署
2. 面板 不排除重回早收清單
3. 松山飛虹橋 華航東方搶頭香
4. 家電舊換新擴大 商機7千億
5. 需求旺 彩電將是大贏家
6. 美暗示… 考慮人民幣低估訴訟
7. 歐元區服務業 連九月擴張
8. 英國石油成功切斷破裂油管
9. 房市警訊 台壽標售土地等嘸人
10. 遠雄登陸投資過關上市櫃建商首例
11. 黑松董監改選張道榕退出董事會
12. 劉憶如訪財長研擬推32建設
13. 央行打熱錢查3,000萬美元炒匯大戶
14. 億光瑞軒LGD 合設LED封裝廠
15. 專利訴訟報捷聯發科攻歐美更猛
16. 顧能:全球晶片營收將增27%
17. 看好平板裝置固態硬碟後市俏
18. SSD看旺 群聯威剛創見衝鋒
19. PEM案金管會開鍘 金鼎證27人停止執業
20. 寶鋼降7月盤價 今年首見
21. 5月營收 五大族群衝新高
22. 五檔零組件麥格理看好
23. 本益比16.3倍 一年半來最低
24. 金文衡:緯創 NB首選標的
25. 建興電搶下日廠大單
26. 浩鑫前四月營收倍增
27. 新日興明年營收將增
28. 奇力新營收連三月攻頂
29. 振曜搶攻華文電子書
30. 友達加碼歐洲太陽能
31. 5月營收/新日光 連二月創新高
32. 台塑化上月逆勢增
33. 中鋼上月獲利增3%
34. 裕民三年內船隊倍增
35. 台船獲三肥單 145億將入袋
36. 五鼎血糖測試儀挹注業績
37. 企業快訊/上銀訂單旺營收續攀高
38. 鴻海目標價三外資喊降
39. 健喬下半年營收看增
40. 採購160億 陳雲林7月訪南台
41. 北京最低薪資 7月1日調漲2成
42. 大陸明年起擬每年加薪15%
43. 大摩:6月是非科技股天下
44. 聯發科雙喜臨門
45. 日企資本支出連12季走跌
46. 防熱錢市場預期6月不升息
47. 中華物聯網聯盟下旬成立共訂標準
48. 趕71大限 太陽能廠5月營收旺
49. 5月華亞科衰退 南科持平
50. 義隆電控蘇州瀚瑞專利侵權
51. 旺玖USB3.0IC 獲認證
52. 智慧電表吸金勝德EPS衝5元
53. 雲端需求紅不讓宏正等著賺
54. 元山打入中國大型通路
55. 華新科訂單滿手後市俏
56. 中天維持高檔不墜
57. 卜蜂殖利率6% 投資人愛
58. 聚陽、中碳可望賺1個股本
Have you noted how elders like to revisit and relive their childhood while children
want to grow up soon and come up to our age? This is something that struck me
hard when I heard Ethan and Emily say that they would love to have the freedom
to all that an older person is entitled to. Ask their mom Donna. Donna will
definitely tell you that she can give an arm and a leg to go back to her kids’ age!
This is a wonderful dichotomy which proves that no one seems to be content
with what they have.
Growing up has its pangs. Donna was telling me the other day how Ethan and
Emily don’t really relate to many things that Donna firmly believes in. “They
have a mind of their own, Bob,” Donna said, “It’s nice in a lot of ways but some-
times I feel why do they not see what I do?” It’s a very valid question. As parents
you provide your children with an outlook to life. You are bound to feel a little un-
settled when they take off on a tangent. But you have to accept and take pride
that they have moved out of your shadow to carve out something for themselves.
Yes, send a card for daughter's birthday, if you have one who born on June.
Sit still with peaceful 04 June, 2010 rainy
It’s been 21-year passed since Tiananmen Square Protests, on the
night of June 3-4, 1989, troops of China’s People’s Liberation Army
moved into Beijing to crush the pro-democracy demonstrations that
began in April of that year. Apparently all the reports, films could
still be read, the events are kept in our minds.
So sorry for this rainy day today, I could not get National Taiwan
Democracy Memorial Hall and do what I used to do on 21-year-
ago. One is sit still with peaceful in Dashi and remembering the
Tiananmen massacre. It’s so surprised for the walking route
changed there, the visitors (were took by 3 tour buses) just left
in a minute. For a moment, nothing more I could say only
‘Mr. Song** had had taken back God on 18th April, 2010.’
It’s amazing for the ROCMP on duty there were born in 1986. I’m
supposed they could not understand what I used to do with my
classmates on 1989.
On the way back home via Fushin, it’s a beginning season of
peach and plum. The flower bloomsom and I could still smell
the fruit on the freeway. Find the plum tree I loved in the plum
garden that never be taken away, buy peach and plum from a shop
in a rainy day. They said it could help the kids to get rid of drunk,
or run away from school, probably it’s some kind of joke that I don’t
understand either. How could it happen to the students who study
on 600M-high? Our education on teenagers goes to a place that the
parents never deal with before? Could a mother bitten at this moment?
What really impact our medical relationship, non-form to complete
set with the government decree? No win-win strategy between
Bureau of healthy and insurance, docotors, nursing care and petient.
It’s so easy to take the nature beauty of Fushin in my eyes, my
mind or even my camera. It doubts me for lasting the nature
environment for 50-year long. Sooner or later, my eyes shall
closed for good. The climate change forced us to move home to
higher place. The voice to save our planet was sunk deeply by
political and military issues…We all have the blood on our hands
if we trade with the CCP.
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Tiananmen Massacre Victims Map
「tiananmen masscare on youtube」的影片
Tiananmen Square Massacre
↑ 06042010.jpg Buy some peach and plum on the way home via Fushin, Taoyuan. ↑ 06042010.jpg one present that one may get on 04 June 2010.
For the youth age I've been through, hard work to make me exhausted and hardly to fallen sleep. Even the asthma could beat me now, it could not beat me ever never and ever~~
(some article above download via internet, photos took on 04 June 2010)
上一篇:Angel Heart_夫教育者百年大計也
下一篇:06072010 A letter beyond that
E. & O.E.
第八十八章 累積兩年多的慾望最終還是在彼此身上宣洩,一夜無夢大概是兩人睡得最好的一覺。 珉豪睜開眼就看見懷裡抱著的人
【2024.3.3】 早晨出太陽了,頗為驚喜。然而一整天忽雨忽晴,天氣變幻莫測,以帶病之身也出不了門,在家安靜地度過。昨晚喉嚨痛
⋯⋯ 。 🐻 昨那位嚎哥在我中午看著他班刷牙期間是跑掉。 然後不明原因他就跌倒,然後見他被老師急忙抱回教室,我看見他下巴都
E. & O.E.