2010-03-09 14:35:42WitchVera


To Whom It May Concern,


First of all, I would like to say ‘Thank you, Canada.’ It’s a great success that people could make, people could join, and people could see on Vancouver 2010. It’s a world competition which created a delight, vivid, glory sport race on ice. Thank you, Winter Olympic, Thank you, Canadian, and Thank you, Mr. John Furlong.


But, sorry, the climate change reduced the snow in North Pole, and Canada, of course. Actually, the influence that Effective Greenhouse make is/ will be we all cannot deny, and we all must concern.


Please, do not panics on this message contain. This island used to call, Formosa, in the near future shall look like the images as underneath, hope the traditional Chinese could be read under as well,



Water will come slowly?..........The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (on 2080)



What we will see on Taipei Lake?..........101, Taiwan, R.O.C. (on 2080)



What the map about Taipei Lake?..........Taiwan, R.O.C. (on 2080)



What we will see on Panchiao, Taipei?..........Taiwan, R.O.C. (on 2080)



What we will see on Linkou tableland, Taipei?..........Taiwan, R.O.C. (on 2080)



A bird-view on Taipei Lake?..........101, Taiwan, R.O.C. (on 2080)



What Taiwan looks like when flood height 6M/ 15M/ 25M……….Images that CommonWealth Magazine / 天下雜誌 make. At the end of this century, Tainan city may distroyed by flood, Only Wanshou could be seen on Kaohsiung, about 6million people may become world refugee.



It’s a lake, anyone could panics when he/ her saw 16KM-long ice slide away in front.


In addition, the ice-melt on North Pole could increase the sea level, increase the world’s temperature, and methane spread out……etc. The person who hold the core power may not surf internet, and the analog politician may not keep on-line on Facebook. Butterfly wings could inspire. So please, looking for the person who still remember his/ her shining wings’ concern and help. And, please pass this on byBlind Carbon Copy.


Web: http://正負2c.tw/theme.php?txtid=16 (加減2C行動聯盟官方網站)which paste 8 videos about the crisis(+/-2℃) that we deal. Perhaps the gravity could rescue us only, let’s pray.


Thank you and best regards,

ps. images free download via web.

http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/whitegoose/post/1320542291 traditional Chinese article for your reference.

Mar 09 2010

葉狼 2010-11-13 14:20:20


也許提早 也許延後 這我沒法子回答也不確定
不過 你說的甚是 盡可能替自己為地球盡心力

政客做的 一介布衣不懂
不過 二愣子父親交代的
始終也沒實行 徒增白髮與兩眼蒼茫
2010-11-25 11:41:28
小房 2010-08-11 21:16:39


是阿! 有心者亦若是~~

天會轉涼, 但下一代的生活環境確實變得更糟,
熱 擠 亂 平 惡鬥 口角 眞解決不了問題,
苟延殘喘地希望下一代活的健康 平安.
2010-08-11 22:26:44
WitchVera 2010-03-29 23:02:34

取自農民曆並參照網路前輩所言, 揭櫫先人的智慧:




節能減碳作環保, 才是王道, 阿彌陀佛。

有人噴撒白漆於山頂, 有人選開油電混合車,有人騎滑板車上下班, 也有人不開冷氣改去公園或上百貨公司、大賣場, WitchVera的點子是祈求讓水分子記得兩極繼續結冰、凍土增生。 2010-07-22 16:13:20