GI Joe
原來現今的特種部隊電影是這樣拍的, 颱風天進電影院, 且是看早場有優惠價呢! 至於內容, 電影多半腥羶暴力, 千萬不要當真!(官網為: ) 另, 有Brendan Fraser 小露一下臉,恰好是沒仔細看就錯過了的長度.
The studio's decision to not screen the film for print and broadcast media outlets does not apply to reviewers at several Internet fan sites, which all give it favorable reviews.
By Ben Fritz
August 5, 2009
With more than $300 million in production and marketing spending on the line for the opening of "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" on Friday,
A spokesperson for the studio confirmed that there would be no screenings for reviewers at print and broadcast media outlets, meaning if they want to see the film, they will have to go Friday along with regular moviegoers.
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It is not uncommon for studios to keep low-budget genre and family films away from critics, since they don't always need national media exposure to reach their target audience. Last week, for instance, both Fox's "Aliens in the Attic" and Freestyle Releasing's "The Collector" weren't shown to critics ahead of time.
It is highly unusual, however, for big-budget event movies that need to attract the widest possible audience to be kept in the closet. "G.I. Joe" is the first this year. Even films for which studios probably expected the savage reviews they received, such as Fox's "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and
Not showing the movie to traditional media fits the studio's larger strategy, as reported by The Times on Monday, to sidestep the national press in big cities in favor of promoting the movie directly to the heartland. Other unusual parts of that approach have included premiering the movie at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, sponsoring a Lynyrd Skynyrd and Kid Rock concert tour, and running the first-ever movie ads on digital billboards in numerous small markets.
所謂”外行人看熱鬧, 內行人看門道”.
不過, google一下,
勤勞點, 可也!