2008-05-02 13:34:30Wesley Tang


聖火的傳送過程, 認真讓人見識到中國人的醜陋一面. 如此一個體面的禮儀,竟給中國人都鬧成一場貽笑大方的鬧劇.

「 沒有包容性的性格,如此這般狹窄的心胸,造成中國人兩個極端,不夠平衡.一方面是絕對的自卑,一方面是絕對的自傲。自卑的時候,成了奴才;自傲的時候,成了主人!獨獨的,沒有自尊。」
《醜陋的中國人》- 柏楊

"...many Chinese are deeply angry about what they see as a global conspiracy to blacken their nation’s good name and ruin the Olympics. That makes for a perilous moment for a country that hoped to display its best side to the world this summer, and is now playing something uglier."
------- "Why China’s Burning Mad" TIME, Ed. MAY 5 2008
