婚禮小物 浪漫櫻花香皂 婚禮回禮XZ007創意禮物BeterWedding


Your Unique Wedding Favors


倍乐婚品 Elegant. Unique. Unforgettable. Do these words describe the wedding you're planning? If your answer is yes, we hope you choose the wedding favor described by those same words—our "Cherry Blossoms" Scented Soap. Simply stunning! Features and facts:•Round, light-beige soap embossed with cherry blossoms nestled in a bed of shredded, natural raffia;•Soap measures ½" h x 2" in diameter;•Gift box has a chocolate-brown base, a cream-colored top adorned with a delicate pink and pale-gray cherry blossom motif, the words "Cherry;Blossoms Soap" and a chocolate-brown ribbon and bow ;•Gift box measures 1 ½" h x 2 ½" square
品名 浪漫樱花香皂
货号 BETER-XZ007
尺寸 约 6.5 x 6.5 x 3.5  cm
产地 上海
起订量 ----  


如图包装扎缎带PS: 天然皂基添加自然香精, 清新自然不刺鼻

Cherry Blossom Scented Soap Gift Wedding Souvenirs XZ007Cherry Blossom Scented Soap Gift Wedding Souvenirs XZ007 BeterGifts XZ007 Cherry Blossom Scented Soap Gift SetBeterGifts XZ007 Cherry Blossom Scented Soap Gift Set