2002-12-21 02:05:17尚未設定


How many friends do you have? 800? OK, the number doesn't count. How about, among your friends, who do you call bosom friends, who nodding friends and who drinking mates?

An English proverb: 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' Do you buy it?

I've been thinking, if I like a friend in a lovely way, can I kiss, hug, have sex with him? What will happen to our friendship if I allow such a lust continue to exist?

A Chinese proverb: 'Friendship between two gentlemen/gentlewomen is slight as water.'

I think admiration is essential between friends, though not always mutual. Plus, it's better if friends share similar interests, so that they won't be in lack of topics. Nothing can be more awful than when two friends don't know what to say to each other.

Friends in Shakespeare: Bassanio & Antonio (_The Merchant of Venice_); Hamlet & Horatio (_Hamlet_); Rosalind & Celia (_As You Like It_).

These friends trust one another, truly and preciously.

Can you give me an example of a man and a woman in Shakespeare who are dear friends? There might be many of them but I simply can't think of any pair at the moment. Most couples are also very good friends, though.

Sue and Jude's friendship in Hardy's _Jude the Obscure_ is what I envy the most. Although it only leads to a tragic ending, it's still stunning. I would venture, only to have such friendship once in my lifetime.

Friends. Oh, what a topic. 'Here's to our beautiful friendship!' Cheers, mates.