2022-09-19 15:14:53wljiateng

Stainless-steel sculpture area improving steps

We quite often see steel sculptures in your daily life. If the surface area of stainless sculptures is usually to be mirrored or brushed, the top of the sculptures needs to be polished. So do you know the actions inside the polishing approach?

The top improving of stainless steel sculpture, is usually split up into three actions: coarse milling, medium sized mincing and okay crushing.

Rough mincing: primarily use yellow sand abrasives to grind rough workpieces to remove macroscopic uneven types of surface.

Medium sized milling: Further sprucing up is carried out on such basis as difficult milling to eliminate tough milling markings. Through this process, the top of the workpiece is gradually sleek and dazzling.

Fine grinding: good sprucing up process to obtain the ideal illumination.


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Characteristics of stainless steel sculpture 

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