2008-05-25 13:55:57wan






還是馬雲做得清澈利落,做善事是要做給你們看的嗎?”很難過啊!””要珍惜啊!”是要用口講出來的嗎?偽善又表面的人啊,求你放過我吧,不要再一邊說慘呀慘呀,一邊又繼續自己浪費的生活啦。反正地球災害又不是第一天第一次發生,世界其他地方又幾多人每日都活在災難之中,有幾多資源問題、不平等的問題每天都在發生,只是發生的距離遠近,只是你們沒有去關心罷了。請不要再微觀地在災區每個傷者中找最慘的小故事來分享或做題目了,沒必要利用別人的傷口來延長他人表面的惻隱之心。世界由第一天開始就是公平地不公平的,make it worth吧。

根迪 2008-05-31 00:52:27

Here, the society believes 潮 = requires immediate temporal attention.

西貢交通意外 was 潮 and resulted with millions of newly added signs instructing drivers with extra attention, however how about others… how about long term accident-free prevention protocol…

Information leakage from flash drive expose the flaws within the government department’s security infrastructure … various protocols will be designed and implemented… however it is questionable on the amount of follow-up work in the particular aspects… until further crisis surfaced.

四川 disaster is 潮, it is 潮 to be sad and donate resources...

SARS was disregarded as 潮 and in turns severely resulted... Citizens of this society do not dare to underestimate 潮 anymore...

The aspect of contemplating which values are truly important in everyone’s` life has been frequently skipped… the ultra-emphasis of speed over quality has resulted with fundamental affluence on individual’s mentality… individual moved on too quickly on issues without gaining any knowledge from it… most believe a quick fix on the issue is already sufficient for the next battle against Armageddon

A city / civilisation that requires Government TV advertisement to remind 咳嗽或打噴嚏時用紙巾掩蓋口鼻 tells a lot about this civilization…

有個人 2008-05-27 20:25:27
