2005-12-01 12:11:04deja vu



Fiction 小說

KAFKA ON THE SHORE(海邊的卡夫卡,時報有出中文版,米國人正流行村上熱)
By Haruki Murakami村上春樹
Alfred A. Knopf, $25.95.
This graceful and dreamily cerebral novel, translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel, tells two stories - that of a boy fleeing an Oedipal prophecy, and that of a witless old man who can talk to cats - and is the work of a powerfully confident writer.

By Zadie Smith.
Penguin Press, $25.95.
In her vibrant new book, a cultural-politics novel set in a place like Harvard, the author of ’’White Teeth’’ brings everything to the table: a crisp intellect, a lovely wit and enormous sympathy for the men, women and children who populate her story.
英美最受矚目的新生代作家莎娣.史密斯(Zadie Smith)新作《論美》,史密斯以福斯特(E.M.Foster)的小說《Howards End》為藍圖,描述自由派的白人貝爾賽、和極端保守的黑人吉普斯兩個家族之間的恩怨糾葛。

By Curtis Sittenfeld.
Random House, $21.95. Paper, $13.95.
This calm and memorably incisive first novel, about a scholarship girl who heads east to attend an elite prep school, casts an unshakable spell and has plenty to say about class, sex and character.
故事主人翁Lee Fiora是個天資聰穎的14歲少女,生長在美國印地安納州的小鎮,迷惑於位在美國麻州的貴族寄宿學校Ault School的華麗宣傳, Fiora在獎學金的補助下毅然前往該校就讀,卻赫然發現自己與同學們格格不入,在光鮮的外表下,周遭看似迷人的同學卻讓Fiora感到厭倦,由於出生背景不同,雖然Fiora極力打入校內的同儕集團,她始終保持著冷眼旁觀的身份。掙扎在課業和人際關係的窘境,Fiora以優良的表現升上二年級,也為自己爭取到受人尊敬的地位,然而一次行為失當卻讓她成為公眾焦點,不僅讓她在校內辛苦經營的認同感瀕臨崩潰邊緣,並差點走上自我毀滅的道路。透過師生間的複雜關係以及同儕間的互動過程,作者藉由Fiora的成長經驗描寫了青少年時期的認同問題,深刻地傳遞出成長時期中徬徨孤寂的況味。

By Ian McEwan.
Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, $26.
As bracing and as carefully constructed as anything McEwan has written, this astringent novel traces a day in the life of an English neurosurgeon who comes face to face with senseless violence.
黎明將屆的星期六的清晨時分,倫敦神經外科醫生Henry Perowne目睹一架著火的飛機劃過Heathrow國際機場,由於當地即將舉行反對對伊拉克開戰的遊行,Henry的第一個念頭是發生了恐怖份子攻擊事件,雖然事實證明並非如此,這場飛機意外事件並未直接影響Henry的生活,卻是其生活即將掀起巨大波瀾的徵兆。以此拉開故事序幕,作者描繪了故事主人翁Henry的一日生活,以內心獨白的敘述方式進行的一場大腦旅行記錄,作者詳細描述了Henry執行手術、與一名無賴漢擦撞發生車禍、參與一場逾越常軌的回力球比賽、到安養中心探訪母親、以及和家人的一次聚會的過程,透過鉅細彌遺的描述,作者鋪陳出故事高潮,在一天將盡的夜幕低垂時分,籠罩在早晨的壞兆頭之下的世界終於暴發了無法預料的暴力事件,作者藉著Henry的角度引導讀者深切感受充斥世界各個角落的緊張與衝突,藉由複雜動人的故事探討了現代人所面臨的道德難題和困難處境,此外,經由描述擔任外科醫師的主角和熱愛藝術的子女間的緊張關係,鋪陳刻劃科學和藝術在當代社會的重要性,將故事推向具有正面意義、充滿希望的結局。

VERONICABy Mary Gaitskill.
Pantheon Books, $23.
This mesmerizingly dark novel from the author of ’’Bad Behavior’’ and ’’Two Girls, Fat and Thin’’ is narrated by a former Paris model who is now sick and poor; her ruminations on beauty and cruelty have clarity and an uncanny bite.

Nonfiction 非小說

America in Iraq
By George Packer.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $26.
A comprehensive look at the largest foreign policy gamble in a generation, by a New Yorker reporter who traces the full arc of the war, from the pre-invasion debate through the action on the ground.

An American Master
By Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan.
Alfred A. Knopf, $35.
A sweeping biography, impressively researched and absorbingly written, of the charismatic immigrant who stood at the vortex of mid-20th-century American art.

By Jonathan Harr.
Random House, $24.95.
This gripping narrative, populated by a beguiling cast of scholars, historians, art restorers and aging nobles, records the search for Caravaggio’s ’’Taking of Christ,’’ painted in 1602 and rediscovered in 1990.

A History of Europe Since 1945
By Tony Judt.
The Penguin Press, $39.95.
Judt’s massive, learned, brilliantly detailed account of Europe’s recovery from the wreckage of World War II presents a whole continent in panorama even as it sets off detonations of insight on almost every page.

By Joan Didion.
Alfred A. Knopf, $23.95.
A prose master’s harrowing yet exhilarating memoir of a year riven by sudden death (her husband’s) and mortal illness (their only child’s).
