2007-03-23 19:26:20smell_macao
exhibition "Une fleur, Par hasard"
exhibition“UNE FLEUR, PAR HASARD” (A Whim, A Bloom)
98, rue Quincampoix 75003 Paris
from 8 march to 7 april 2007
site of exhibition:
About the exhihibition:
One may ponder in bewilderment: Is Westernization embodied in Modernization in the realm of art? Ink painting may be contemporary or remains as an art of beauty with China characteristic. The traditional theme in “A Whim, A Bloom” Series has been revitalized and tinged with a contemporary color of exquisiteness. It was this Series of art work that crowned, through the hands of Paris Municipal Government, Ms Hong Wai (a French-based young artist from Macau) as Paris Junior Outstanding Artists (Paris Jeunes Talents) for Year 2005. Concurrently, the same Municipal Government had in January/February 2006 staged a solo exhibition in Paris in honor of Ms Hong, displaying her work that was once shown in her exhibition tour in England and Hong Kong. The same exhibition will staged in Paris Gallery IMPRESSIONS from 8 March to 7 April 2007.
98, rue Quincampoix 75003 Paris
from 8 march to 7 april 2007
site of exhibition:
About the exhihibition:
One may ponder in bewilderment: Is Westernization embodied in Modernization in the realm of art? Ink painting may be contemporary or remains as an art of beauty with China characteristic. The traditional theme in “A Whim, A Bloom” Series has been revitalized and tinged with a contemporary color of exquisiteness. It was this Series of art work that crowned, through the hands of Paris Municipal Government, Ms Hong Wai (a French-based young artist from Macau) as Paris Junior Outstanding Artists (Paris Jeunes Talents) for Year 2005. Concurrently, the same Municipal Government had in January/February 2006 staged a solo exhibition in Paris in honor of Ms Hong, displaying her work that was once shown in her exhibition tour in England and Hong Kong. The same exhibition will staged in Paris Gallery IMPRESSIONS from 8 March to 7 April 2007.
wai wai大 c又話返來,話返來已經話左成年啦
haha how could I forget you?
how are you doing now? I am always working in my PHD degree, not sure when will come back, will tell you before!
by waiwai