2007-11-22 11:49:37LKKGEIST

L). 「1943 開羅宣言」& [三立頻道之ㄚQ]:



因,「開羅宣言」(公報)是November 22,1943開羅會議記錄的”公告”;
(on 開羅會議記錄,三國代表都”簽字”了;存美,日國會圖書館.)

註:公告, 公報, 宣告, 通知, Declaration, Announcement,
...etc.之”對外文件” 要有文號(OFFICE LOCATION, FILE No.);
但,不一定有簽名; 而,內部檔案,會議記錄則有簽名.

ㄚQ懂得夠多,知道那裡找檔案? 即使找到,人家會給看?

為”日本投降書”所要執行 之文件 & ”產生”日本憲法之第一件
”基本文件”-開羅宣言. 其內之其他部份,多已執行完畢.
i.e. 韓國獨立; 日本立憲建國....etc.
(沒有受到任何國家的質疑; 除了”台獨人”以外)!


[Cairo ”Declaration” @ US-N.Korean Relations]:韓國獨立
Records as follows :
Allies commit to Korean independence”
..including Manchuria, Taiwan/Formosa, and the Pescadores,
would be restored to China; was to set Korea free..etc.

[1943 Cairo ”Declaration” by Independnet Centre
for Strategic Studies and Analysis]:U.S.戰略中心
as stated :
in the 1943 Allied [Cairo ”Declaration”] :
..including Manchuria, Taiwan/Formosa, and the Pescadores,
would be restored to China; was to set Korea free..etc.


].[開羅宣言(日本國?關??英、米、華三國宣言)]:(日文) http://list.room.ne.jp/~lawtext/1943Cairo.html ; Stated : [開羅”宣言”, 英、米、華三國”宣言”]:the Cairo Declaration / カイロ宣言
カイロ宣言全文と現代語訳 ... 「ローズヴェルト」大統領、蒋介石大元帥及「チャーチル」總理大臣ハ、各自ノ軍事及外交顧問ト共ニ北「アフリカ」ニ於テ會議ヲ終了シ左ノ一般的聲明ヲ發セラレタリ ... 右同盟國ノ目的ハ日本國ヨリ千九百十四年ノ第一次世界戰爭ノ開始以後ニ於テ日本國カ奪取シ又ハ占領シタル太平洋ニ於ケル一切ノ島嶼 ...


[Cairo Communique]:Date November 27, 1943
Document Number Records of the Department of State
”740.0011 EUROPEAN WAR 1939/32623”
Repository National Diet Library(日國會圖書館.)
Repository U.S. National Archives & Records Administration (RG59)
(處理祕書: STENPHEN EARLY,Secretary to the President)

This is known as the ”Cairo Communique.” It was SIGNED(簽名)
by President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston
Churchill, and President of the Republic of China
Chiang Kai-shek on November 22, 1943 and was made
public that same day. The Cairo Conference, of the
leaders of the U.S., U.K. and China, was held from
November 22 to discuss their policy on Japan. In
response to a question from President Roosevelt,
Chiang Kai-shek said that it was the Japanese people
themselves who should decide whether or not the Emperor
system would be abolished. The declaration, which was
drafted by the U.S. and amended by the U.K., specified
the unconditional surrender of Japan, the return to
China of Manchuria, Formosa and the Pescadores, and the
freedom and independence of Korea. The policy toward
Japan in the Cairo Declaration was accepted as a basic
policy of the Allied Powers and carried over into the
Potsdam Declaration.

U.S.Dept.of State Bulletin,Vol.IX, p.393
:740.0011 EUROPEAN WAR 1939/32623; (美國國家檔案局)
[National Archives and Records Administration] (NARA)
Year/part:1943, Serial Set#:12414, SuDoc#:S1.1/3:C12,
Volume title : The Conferences at Cairo & Tehran,
CIS # : 1943 CIS Serial Set fiche 12414 (檔 號)
FRUS:Foreign Relations of the U.S. (FRUS)

[Cairo ”Declaration” 1943] : U.S. Government
United States Department of State.(美國國務院).
A Decade of American Foreign Policy:
1941-1949, Basic Documents. Washington, DC:
Historical Office, Department of State;
U.S. G.P.O., 1950, p. 20.

[US-Japan-China involvement regarding Ryukyu/
Okinawa List of Links]: by Robert D. Eldridge. H-JAPAN.
Rcorded as below :
”The final version of the [Cairo ”Declaration”],
issued on November 27 by the three leaders,....etc. ”

  In paragraph (2) :
  中、美、英 三國 對日作戰的目的 在于制止和懲罰 日本的侵略;
  "剝奪日本之..奪得或占領 的一切太平洋島嶼”,及日本竊占
  Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the
  Pacific which she has seized
(豪奪), or occupied...
  that all the territories Japan has stolen(竊取,強取)
  from the Chinese, ......etc.


 (釣魚台,是從1895年馬關不平等條約的失去; 非日本原有土地)。

(1896)年4月1日* 明治天皇始頒布敕令「第十三號」,公開將釣魚台


(1896)年9月17日 *才發表(釣魚台列嶼的領土權聲明)。!

 ,故清廷對日本此道關於釣魚台行政區劃之敕令,已無能為力 ! 

 [但], 顯見"釣魚台列嶼"是在(1895)年 "馬關不平等條約"之後一年,
 [故], 日本應依《開羅宣言》和《波茨坦公告》歸還"釣魚台列嶼"。


 1).(1945)年,[日本無條件降書](Unconditional Surrender of Japan);
 2).執行 (1945)年,[波茨坦"宣言"](Potsdam Declaration);
 3).實施 (1943)年,《開羅宣言》(Cairo "Declaration");

1943 Cairo_conf PicL.jpg


1945 Potsdam Declaration C.jpg

笑笑 2007-11-24 20:54:11


DDT 2007-11-24 16:27:40


[效力]”INSTRUMENT OF SURRENDER”:2 September 1945. 為”日本投降書”所要執行 之文件 & ”日本憲法產生”之第一件 ”基本文件”.(簽字與否都有”條約”之效力.) 開羅宣言 內之其他部份,都已執行完畢 @ 沒有受到任何國家的質疑; 除了”TW,台獨人”以外 !

[VI]. [DOCUMENTS WITH COMMENTARIES] : (歸檔備註) 三國代表都”簽字”了, on November 22,1943 @ 開羅會議. http://www.ndl.go.jp/constitution/e/shiryo/01/002_46shoshi.html ; This is known as the ”Cairo Communique.” IT WAS SIGNED by President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and President of the Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek on November 22, 1943 ............etc.

[簽字]:U.S.GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTATION 之 會議記錄的 公告, 公怖, 宣告, 通知, Declaration, Announcement, ...etc.之”對外文件” 要有文號, (OFFICE LOCATION, FILE No.,); 但,不一定有簽名; 而,內部檔案則有.
2010-09-19 21:11:36