2007-04-29 00:47:44LKKGEIST

D). [1952 中日和約@台北 vs. 台灣主權歸屬的國際法 & Dr.葉公超:

* [對台灣問題]: 不去漫遊世界,回台北找! 不去挖老蔣文件,他
   (連上飛機都不知大陸已丟! 美國給他沖繩,他不要; 要回大陸)!
       台灣問題要回外交部找, 去日,美國會圖書館找!! 
  1895 馬關條約 4月17日 台,澎..讓與日本; 57年後,1952 收回!!
《1952 中日和約》: @ 台北簽
? [美國史丹佛大學胡佛研究所研究員林孝庭認為]:?
1979「台灣關係法」: TRA 法案,法令;
第四條:{SEC. 4. 之 (b)(3)(A) 及 (c)} 如下 :
    2.3.1. 美國對臺灣缺乏外交關係或承認,.....etc.
    3. 為了各種目的,包括在美國法院中的訴訟在內,國會同意美國和
       維持效力,直至依法終止為止。    [As follows]:

(1) We-The President of the United States, the President of the
 National Government of the "Republic of CHINA", and the Prime
Minister of Great Britain, representing the hundreds of
millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agree that Japan
 shall be given an opportunity to end this war.
--第八條: ==實施===>1943年12月[開羅宣言]之條件為:
The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and
Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of
Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as
we determine. (--日本之主權必將 限于本州...etc.)
[開羅宣言]:的其主要內容是:中,美,英 三國對日作戰的目的在于制止
和懲罰日本的侵略;"剝奪日本在 第一次世界大戰 爆發後,在太平洋上
奪得 或占領 的一切島嶼",及 日本 竊占的 中國領土, ....
[例如] 東北地區、台灣和澎湖群島等,“歸還" "中國"。

* 如果,台灣人將唯一有國際條約根據之--"中華民國"終止!?  
"台灣獨立"放棄"中華民國"; 那,會 更更更 慘慘慘!!

   在國際文件中找不到"台灣獨立運動開啟了一扇窗" !! ??
   (不知,"美國史丹佛大學胡佛研究所"可用英文) ??

[1952 Treaty of Peace between the Republic of China and
Japan on 28 April] :  (開羅宣言之”施行細則”)
 原文摘要 如下:日本對"台主權","財產","台籍"&"中國權益"之拋棄!

[Article 2] : 日本對"台主權"及"中國利益"之拋棄!
(b) Japan renounced(拋棄) all right, title(所有權) and

claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.
Japan renounces all special rights and interests in
China, including all benefits and privileges....etc.

[Article 10] : 認同"中華民國"對全部"台灣人"之治權!
..nationals of the Republic of China shall be deemed(視為)

to include all the inhabitants and former inhabitants of
Taiwan (Formosa) and Penghu (the Pescadores) and their
descendents who are of the Chinese nationality in
accordance with the laws and regulations which have been
or may hereafter be enforced(實施,執行) by the
Republic of China in Taiwan (Formosa)......
( inhabitants, former inhabitants and their descendents
 依法而是 the Chinese nationality...........etc. )

Signed by : (@ Taipei)

YEH KUNG-CHAO, [L.S.] (葉公超)
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Plenipotentiary of Japan


《1952 中日和約》- 界定台灣主權歸屬的國際法之不確定因:
[Taiwan’s Position as a US Insular Area]:(美憲法尚未承認之國土.)
US president Harry Truman and General Douglas MacArthur
should have had the authority to transfer the territorial
sovereignty of Taiwan to the Chinese nationalists.
(But, did not.)..(美未將台灣領土主權交與 ROC.)
(美也未將釣魚台列島領土主權交與 JAPAN.)
the ROC only has”effective territorial control(支配;管理)”(ROC 有對台治權) over
Taiwan, but does not hold Taiwan’s territorial sovereignty.(ROC 無對台主權)
That territorial sovereignty is held by the US MilitaryGovernment.
In summary, if Taiwan wants to be independent, it should
be talking to members of the US Congress. (台灣欲獨立,要問美國會)!

[2000].台灣問題 @ 國際法:(”台不獨”以維持國際和平).
[Harvard Asia Quarterly]:美國哈佛大學(國際法 權威).

[國際法] is the system of rules governing the
relations among states and providing the common
principles for humankind.(含 中國大陸 & 台灣)

[Conclusion] : 結論
(1).[The long-range standing]:Historical長期公認..!
國際法 對 ”ROC & PROC” 之共存,無法律,期限..規範.
(NO specific LAW for  R.O.C. vs. P.R.O.C.)
* (故,無立法”限期統一”,之主動行為. 而不違台灣關係法

(2).[new world,Independence]:Contradictions of
International Legal Interests.(抵觸 國際法議題).
”自決”&”台獨”乃雙方之政治問題,風險自承; 抵觸國際法
議題; 目前, 少有國家 承認 ”台灣國”!
..such as the rights of ”self-determination” and
”independence”, are also political questions, ...
* [2004/2005] : 十、中共保證不傷台灣平民(不用核武)!

(3). [MAINTAIN International peace]:
雙方有義務維持國際和平; 無論(1).(2).都應以國際和平
為基礎. 而, 雙方 公平決定...........
...obligation to preserve peace..fairly manifested,
BOTH of the peoples of Mainland China and of the
island of TW....)
*(故,”台灣不獨”的軍購便宜; ”台獨”的軍購貴又沒用)!

 1).(1945)年,[日本無條件降書](Unconditional Surrender of Japan);
 2).執行 (1945)年,[波茨坦"宣言"](Potsdam Declaration);
 3).實施 (1943)年,《開羅宣言》(Cairo "Declaration");


1945 Potsdam Declaration C.jpg