2008-05-29 20:50:17Vivvv ♥


哈哈 没办法
谁叫我是猪头 睡到那么晚

Got back History, Maths, English and Chinese papers today.
Did quite okayy {:
Pretty satisfied, I guess [:

Me and Jenny’s food product for food tech turned out horrible -.-
It was too sweet,
Overcooked = burnt,
Too hard..
So yeahhh,

Basketball was okay today,
Wasn’t very fun for some reason..
Was really tired :X

Pic: Zee’s boliao drawing, damn cute [:

Kinda lost for words today,
Lol kayy,
Have to go finish the english project :/
I’ll end here.

shawn 2008-05-30 10:30:30

coool pic sia.how he do 1 seh. haha its not me n sarah lah.haha. Ur pic changed twice yeesterday haha.better thank me for telling u about tt photo with ur funny hair on ur blog.hahaa

zericola 2008-05-29 21:01:22

whee! haha cool la! wad boliao! boliao is that shawn guy and sarah xD
haha damn bored that day la!