2014-06-15 23:41:42Viviandoll

2/march/2014: I love My Life -

I love my life. Please stop judging me from your narrowed mind.

Since starting my work, I have fallen into a style of life where the regular routine cycles everyday. However, I don't see this busy life as a brain-dead ant army's zombie world. On the contrary, I feel proud that I am earning the money to pay the rent, to buy my food and at times I could go tea-time with my female friends on weekends. 

Of course, I lose something as well which are who I used to be and what the easy life is. I can't arrange tea time with Fiona during the day anymore; I can't just go to restaurant whenever the tinniest excuse was grasped. I can't just be a spoilt little girl, staying in my room, playing around and calling my parents for money when the bank statement runs down. 

But.... I love my life very much :) I feel very independent financially, physically and emotionally. It is true that this life style might not match up to the comfortable luxurious life that my parents raised me with, just yet. It doesn't mean my salary wouldn't be rising up soon to afford a better life. 

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2/march/2014: I love My Life -

Officially, I have become an office lady :D the environment is clean, and comfortable; the work is busy and boredom-free; the tasks are all in my controlled world, systematically and logically; my offshore drilling client is happy with me; and most important out of all is that there are still some improvement or some learning space for me to grow! Once the tasks become second nature to me, once the challenges downgrade to simplicity to me, once I got bored of this work, I will try to upgrade my career from within, or extend my tentacle externally for other directions. At this moment, I am still excited about this independent life style, am very thrilled to learn that my contribution and dedication for work has been recognised by the direct line manager, the operational manager, the global director and the client, and I am really satisfied with myself that my salary can afford the good yummy dishes at the restaurant with a glass of wine, allows me to enjoy the Japanese Saturday lunch and the ladies tea time with my mates.