2014-01-06 04:27:17Viviandoll

New Year Resolution 2014

Before stepping forward to the next calendar year, there was an UK article linked to Daily Mail Online advising people to set a realistic and realisable list of new year resolution. For example:

I want to go to gym everyday, should be:
I will try to go to gym at least three times a week.

I want to read many books this year, should be:
Every three months I would like to complete reading an interesting book.

The abovementioned is also part of my resolution list. And what's more? My mother asked me few days ago what you would like to be in the future. This is the question that one of her students brought to her attention. Without delays, I answered the following:

I want to be the lady who feels very comfortable with herself, anytime and anywhere. 
I want to be the person who wouldn't need to comprimise herself in tolerating any circumstance in any uncomfortable environment.
I want to be that kind of person who has the courage to express what I am thinking, and has the wisdom to avoid whoever I don't like.
I want to be that kind of lady who can genuinely smile, who doesn't talk much but whatever is said is all full of meaningful wisdom.
I want to be able to learn to be nicer to myself than to my friends.

When I delivered this whole series of "Who I want to be" in speaker phone, my mother and I asked our father who he wants to be. His answer is "I want to be a practical person". LOL... As much as we know our father, he has always been very realistic person; what made him respond to our question with this answer must be a mockery to my earlier answer.

Was my "who I want to become" very impractical, surrealistic? I don;t think so. Maybe it doesn't include the practical side of life, e.g. savings, marriage, housing, and it involves more internal qualities and quite me-me-me. I am super hyped to learn that I have been gradually obtaining me-me-me quality. Selflessness is silly: if you don't love yourselves very much, and always want to love other people more, love yourselves less, then you don't understand what is love. And, I didn't know what love really is in the past, as I am fully aware how little I must have had thought about myself in flipping through many episodes of low points.

New Year Resolution 2014

This year, 2014, with this new prospective in job and the permission from the UK government to work, I aim to:

  1. Submit four papers for publications by end of this year
  2. Settle my life financially independently (save at least £200 every month from earning)
  3. Find a job that is meaningful and full of prospective
  4. Do exercise at least three times a week
  5. Read a book every three months
  6. Wake up each day with an undefeatable spirit
  7. Go to bed with a smile every night
  8. Always find time to look at myself in the mirror, lovingly

Am I growing to be more selfie? I am very glad if that is how I am becoming.