2008-03-11 08:14:54Silly

as close as it gets

In barcelona, we joked about seeing you naked. A joked about me imaging you naked. Then the following day, C joked about it as well. I laughed about it. I didn’t really think of you naked. You are nice anc cute. Of course, with a very nice body, but I never think about you naked. Today.... I just need my last drink before my shower. I went to the free indian party. As much alcohol as possile, I stood there. Consider you are a gay... And you came to me. We danced together. I could feel every single part of your body leaning against me. That’s weird. It is the closest dance that I have ever had in my life. S came to save me..... hahaa.... This is the first time I don’t want to be saved from sticky dance. I needed to go. I don’t think you are of any interest in me. So.... I enjoyed it being close to you. Thanks.... thanks