Baby I read your messages and I had the feeling of tears and joy. Tears because I can only imagine the things you sag to me and feel it in my heart. I feel joy because despite everything we still have unconditional love
1º. Bal b/f 93792KM-0KM=93792KM Bal c/f, por ano. 2º. Principal: Bal b/f 19,956,764KM-20,736KM=19,936,028KM Bal
一位好友最近少上網 , 我常期盼落空 ,只好以此詩抒懷 ~
Baby I read your messages and I had the feeling of tears and joy. Tears because I can only imagine the things you sag to me and feel it in my heart. I feel joy because despite everything we still have unconditional love