2005-03-21 00:43:34Anley

2005 Pacific Life Open(Masters Series Indian Wells)

官網一篇文章標題:Roddick Turns Down Power On His Serve
GO Andy!
順便一提,Bryan Bros.最近是怎麼了?狀態不穩定,加油啊!

PS:訪問中看到一句話:You know, in Australia, I put a lot of the blame on myself - deservedly so.

Q. How does it feel, you battle all the way two and a half hours, 3-All in the breaker?
ANDY RODDICK: I’m disappointed, but I’m not upset because I feel like I played a really good match, and I really kind of switched up the strategy and I feel like I applied my game plan pretty well. And I think it took -- I know it took the best of Lleyton tonight.
You know, this is a lot better than I’ve played against him before, you know, with the exception of when I beat him at Queen’s. I hit the shots I wanted to hit. You know, I just made him come up with the good stuff.
Q. Would you say the third set tiebreaker, he kind of took it at the end, or are there a couple things you thought you should have done?
ANDY RODDICK: I should have hit the last backhand pass about that much more to the right. I should have -- I hit a forehand about as well as I could have at 4-5, and he somehow got it back. I mean, I don’t know if I could have hit that shot better. I pulled the trigger and I hit it exactly how I wanted to.
You know, in Australia, I put a lot of the blame on myself - deservedly so. But here I think you have to give credit where credit’s due.
Q. Is there anyone in your experience on the tour who so relentlessly doesn’t make a mistake in shot selection, makes you work?
ANDY RODDICK: There’s guys who are consistent, but then there’s guys who are consistent when running across the court as fast as they shot tracking down a ball that you’ve hit as hard as you can, putting it back in play in an effective position.
You know, as far as people rallying cross-court, there are a lot of guys who can do it all day, but they’re not as quick as him and they don’t play defense like he does.
Q. You talked about changing up your strategy. What specifically did you do out there?
ANDY RODDICK: I was playing patterns a lot better. You know, I stuck in points a little longer. I thought I was coming to the net. With the exception of the first set, I was very successful doing that. But I kept to it and I tried to really stick to it. You know, I mixed up my serve a little bit better, not just going for the huge one every time.
I can take a lot of positives out of this. Obviously, it’s a loss and it’s terrible, but I feel a lot better about this one than I do some others because I feel like I actually played pretty well.
Q. How tough is it to know exactly when to come into the net because he passes so well? Seems like he’s baiting you sometimes to come in.
ANDY RODDICK: These are the things that make him, you know, one of the best players. I mean, the guy’s, he’s been No. 1 for a reason. It’s tough. When you do go in, you have to make sure your approach shot has something on it. You basically have to hit every shot that much better against him. You know, that’s his game and that’s what makes him tough.
Q. When you look back on this match, if there’s anything you could change about the way you played it, what would that be?
ANDY RODDICK: The way I played it? You know, like I said, I felt like I played pretty well. It’s just a matter of, you know, I think the thing I’d change is the result, you know. I think I could have made maybe a couple more first serves in the tiebreaker, in the first set especially. But, you know, as far as anything else goes, you know, I had a strategy and I applied it. You know, I really feel like there was a lot of progress made from two months ago in Australia.
Q. Were you hitting the ball even harder tonight than you normally do?
ANDY RODDICK: I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m not sure. I mean, I felt like I was getting pretty good pace on the ball. But I didn’t feel like I was just going for broke, if that’s what you’re asking.
Q. You’ve talked about this as being a non-rivalry before. He got you good in Masters Cup, outlasted you in Australia. Do you feel like you’re going to turn it into a real rivalry or do you think he’s still maybe a half a step above you?
ANDY RODDICK: No, there wasn’t a lot between us tonight. You know, like I said, this is as good as I’ve pushed him, except when I beat him.
Q. You seem like you left a lot on the court tonight. Can you imagine Lleyton having enough to contend with Roger tomorrow?
ANDY RODDICK: He’ll have enough. But the thing is, will he have enough to beat Roger?
You know, the schedule, it was interesting, you know, giving us days off and then putting us on two nights, then having us play three-out-of-five at 11:30 on Sunday. I might question that or I’d like to hear what went on in the scheduling room.
But it’s just the way it goes. If anybody can handle it, it’s Lleyton.
Q. You mentioned a lot of positives you’re taking away from this tournament. What are some of them?
ANDY RODDICK: I just feel like, you know, I kind of found my game this tournament. I played some really good stuff. You know, even tonight I played pretty well. Got through my first round not with my best stuff, still found a way to get through, closed that one out. You know, I feel like, you know, a lot of parts of my game came together this week. I was approaching the net pretty well. For the most part, I volleyed great last night, kind of used it effectively as well.
Q. Does he have enough to push Roger or does Roger have to play only 85%? Does Lleyton have enough weapons to get over on Roger at this point?
ANDY RODDICK: I mean, he hasn’t recently. I feel like, you know, obviously that’s a little bit of a rougher match-up just because of what Roger can do with the ball, the spins and the placement and stuff. You know, that’s something he does extremely well.
But, I mean, you can’t count Lleyton out. You know, I mean, right now obviously Roger’s the best player in the world. There’s good reason for that.
Q. Could the best-of-five sets tomorrow benefit Lleyton?
ANDY RODDICK: I don’t really think so, I mean, after tonight. I mean, we battled for a good two and a half hours. That’s another thing that’s questionable, playing two sets the whole way, then three out of five, you know, all of a sudden. I mean, if you start a tournament, you kind of want to play under the same pretenses and circumstances the whole way.
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