我聽見 I heard 寂寞在唱歌 Lonely in singing 在空曠無人的山谷慢和 In the deserted valley slow and 我靜靜聽見 I quietly heard 小橋流水涔涔 Bridges oozes 在唱歌 Singing 唱著那首孤獨的歌 Singing the song Lonely song 連樹葉 花瓣 Even the leaves, petals 也為之動容 Also be moved 紛紛飄落 Falling one after another 我聽見鳥和蝶在唱歌 I hear the birds and butterflies in the singing 唱著那尋覓情人的歌 Looking for a lover's song singing that 在風中不停的傳唱 And sung in the wind 項羽失去虞姬的斷腸 Xiang Yu's heartbroken to lose Concubine 哭破喉卻吶喊的嘶啞 Crying broken throat cry hoarse 卻乾了眼框 But did Orbital 竭了淚海 Dried up the scenes of tears 