2019-05-31 07:01:16umwae208yygc

【推薦商品】Nike Air Huarache Ultra - 11391620 經典產品2018流行商品



但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 Nike Air Huarache Ultra - 11391620

經過了Nike Air Huarache Ultra - 11391620的多方比價後,決定在這買,CP值超高的










Nike Air Huarache Ultra 女款涼鞋能讓雙腳在較熱天候下常保涼爽舒適。


  • 皮革與編織鞋面,耐穿舒服
  • 鞋跟束帶實現具支撐力的舒適貼合度
  • 以鬆餅為設計靈感的橡膠外底,打造耐磨抓地力
  • 顯示顏色: 黑色/Sail/Gum Medium Brown/黑色
  • 款式: 885118-001
  • 原產國/地區: 印尼,中國
  • 訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    4.5 顆星

    LoreleiM203849422 - Aug 03, 2018


    I hope Nike makes more of these type of shoe. They are perfect for summer weather. The leather is soft on a bare foot and the sole is comfortable. I'd buy more but they are already sold out of my size.

    A versatile and comfortable sandal

    1040280004 - Jul 21, 2018

    I wore these for the first time yesterday. I am a 5.5 straight up with a vert high instep which makes my foot read wide. I decided with only whole sizes, to order up to a 6. The 6 worked really well - it’s probably slightly (very slightly) big in the length, but the width felt great and there was no pressure on the top of my foot thanks to the slight stretch. I even wore them with a hard superfeet insole for a little extra support. I had just a little rubbing on the outside of the right heel, but my heels are narrow and slip some in all shoes. Overall I’m very happy with this purchase and envision wearing them with almost anything (I think they’ll look especially cute with my t-shirt dresses).

    hey Nike, can you make these in all black?

    MilaSvenja - Jul 12, 2018

    Very comfortable BUT not so many points on the style side. That huge white sole with the black sandal looks very weird. What about the black version with a black sole? :)




    Nike Air Huarache Ultra - 11391620 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




    Lamigo桃猿備戰對日職羅德交流賽(3) (圖)

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