2007-09-12 22:02:12福建魷魚

東京㊣It was raining!

Today we went to the Yakult Lady Center to join the yakult lady to deliver the products for their customers door by door.

Unfortunately, it was raining since early in the morning. But, we were still going there as what we planned.

At the center, we wore the raining coat and follwed the yakult lady to deliver the products. Although it was raining, it`s really an unforgetable experience for me! And, the Furumai san who was with us is a very nice guy!
虎牌 2007-09-15 13:17:54


The yakult ladies use the bicycles to deliver the products to the customers~that`s why there are so many bicycles outside the company. 2007-09-15 23:00:57
項少雲 2007-09-14 11:42:12

sini, tiap tiap hari raining, tak boleh tahan!

陽光歐吉桑 2007-09-13 21:48:37


still in Tokyo!
will be back on Monday!
2007-09-13 21:56:29