2007-05-29 01:10:57零:)

our musical ! INTO THE WOODS !

這些是我們學校 musical 的道具喔!
這個是 baker 的廚房
不知道哪裡來的.. 我們租的劇院 (蛇口劇院) 本來就有的
很好笑= =


actually,, it was rlly fun tat day!!
tho itz quite tirin n all tat..= =
we ppl in the back stage usually help with da paintin, propz, n all tat costume stuffz.. n tat was somethin tat u dont rlly get the chance to experience in local skulz or in da skul tat i went b4 HAS.
we had our musical in a huge theatre call da ”Shekou Theatre”
itz big n HUGE for sure, but mrs.n sayz tat there r mouses or might be ratz runnin around at nite or somethin, n spiderz too..
lol!! tat was kinda freaky!! but we soon forgot about all these when we started rehersal our musical..(( at least i dont think no one remembered, cuz we’re doin such a great job in the musical!!

we performed 2 timez, one in 12:30pm, which is at da lunch period (not much ppl)
da second time is at 7:00pm! n there r actually 100 somethin ppl comin to c our musical!! Flibbertigibbit!! tat was somethin!!
i rlly loved our musical.. ppl who came to c our musical loved it too
( cuz they clapped soooo hard= =) lol
espically mrs.n ... she’z the one tat deserved a big thumb up!
阿穎 2007-06-04 05:25:31

後面那一串英文看不懂= =

=口=~ 誰是異世界阿~
2007-06-04 22:56:30