2019-01-03 09:19:37tttbz935vhxp

【網路人氣商品top10】Britax R-mer 嬰兒提籃 Baby Safe 家電購買優惠


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以下是Britax R?mer 嬰兒提籃 Baby Safe

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Britax Römer Infant Car Seat Baby Safe 設計式樣: Wine Rose · 2019

The Baby Safe stands out as one of the lightest infant car seats of Britax Römer's range. The light shell combines ultimate comfort with super smart safety features.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0/ up to a body weight of 13 kg

  • Suitable right from birth up to 13 months

Conforms to the norm:

  • ECE R44/04

Due to the soft-padded side wings your little one will feel cuddled up like in a cocoon. Both headrest and the integrated cushion in the back section supply your child with an ergonomic recline position. Once your little one has grown taller, you can remove the cushion easily.

Attaching the car seat by using the Britax Römer Baby Safe Isofix Base or the Baby Safe Belted Base (both not included in delivery!) is done super easy and in no time at all. Alternatively, you can also fasten the car seat by using your car's own seat belt. The integrated five-point harness distributes and reduces the forces that occur in a car crash via your child's shoulders, hip and the belt buckle. Belt pads protect your little one's sensitive skin.

The carrying handle can be adjusted easily so that you can put your child in and out of the car seat carrier effortlessly. The sun canopy with UVP 50+ protects your child from sun, wind and the prying eyes of curious strangers.

Britax Römer's Baby Safe infant car seat is also suitable for using it as part of a practical travel system. With the help of the Click & Go adaptor (not included in delivery!) you can easily attach the car seat to any Britax pram. Changing the car seat from car to pram as well as its easy use will make you fall in love with it immediately. The Baby Safe is a versatile companion that will help you ease everyday life with an infant.


  • Available in various designs

  • Group 0/ suitable from birth up to 13 months7 0 to 13 kg

  • Attachment in a rear facing mode by using the Britax Römer Baby Safe Isofix Base/ Belted Base (both not included in delivery!)

  • Five-point harness

  • Adjustable carrying handle, sun canopy with UVP 50+, headrest with removable cushion, soft-padded side wings

  • Removable and machine washable cover

  • Size: 57 x 44 x 65 cm

  • Weight: 3,9 kg

  • Made in Germany




Britax R?mer 嬰兒提籃 Baby Safe






多次心梗命危 男子換心重生

48歲史性男子有糖尿病、高血壓, 10年來歷經心導管手術、急救、主動脈幫浦、葉克膜、左心室輔助器,病情嚴重必須換心,在等待 25天後獲得捐贈,在中山醫學大學附設醫院接受心臟移植,重獲新生。
中山附醫心臟外科主任吳怡良表示,史性男子患有糖尿病, 97年 8月首次接受心導管手術,置入冠狀脈脈支架。此後 10年,經歷心肌梗塞,先後接受 6次心導管手術。今年 9月又發生心肌梗塞,再次進行心導管手術與主動脈幫浦,術後血壓不穩定,緊急置放葉克膜。
吳怡良說,患者 1週後植入左心室輔助器,但左心室功能一直無法恢復,病情嚴重必須換心。等待 25天後,獲得台中榮民總醫院 1名病患器捐,隨即進行心臟移植。歷經 5小時,術後醫療團隊控制感染、洗腎、移除呼吸器照護,復健住院 30多天後康復出院。
中山附醫醫療團隊 4日準備蛋糕,慶祝史性男子重獲新生。在太太、兒子陪伴,他感謝醫療團隊救命之恩,也謝謝器捐者大愛。
中山附醫表示, 3月 13日重新通過衛福部審核為具有心臟摘取移植手術資格的醫學中心,目前積極投入器官勸募與移植的發展,為需要接受心臟移植的病人提供快速的選項。




臉書粉絲專頁《10 Seconds Class – 10秒鐘教室》在貼文分享一張「食物熱量圖」,超可愛逗趣的畫風,讓人一秒看懂烤肉的熱量地雷,實用又易懂,吸引逾1萬名網友按讚分享。

▼烤肉食材熱量表,一圖秒懂「誰最肥」。圖/《10 Seconds Class – 10秒鐘教室》授權提供




  1. 先吃蔬菜墊胃:可以選擇烤肉常用食材如:青椒、筊白筍、香菇、杏包菇
  2. 綜合搭配更對味:以蛋白質+蔬菜做組合,如:肉片包蔬菜(金針菇、甜椒、玉米筍、蘆筍都是很好的搭配)、絲瓜蛤蜊,增加蔬菜攝取,口感更清爽不油膩
  3. 加工肉應淺嚐:食材可以選擇較低脂的肉類,如去皮雞肉、蝦子、蛤蠣等。加工肉品(如:香腸、火腿、培根)高油高熱量,若是應景一年一次,建議淺嚐1~2片/根就好!
  4. 少鈉少熱量:建議選擇清爽簡單類型的醬料,謹記刷薄薄一層,不來回塗抹,可以少掉很多熱量和鈉含量!
  5. 配上無糖綠茶取代含糖手搖飲料或碳酸飲料


  • 中秋吃柚「藥」注意!降血壓、血脂等藥物別搭著吃
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  • 健康烤肉過中秋!芭樂奇異果幫你解毒遠離腸癌

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