2017-05-02 12:05:45tonyb8j6u60is

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Paris: Perfume Workshop

The experience:
Join this unique 2-hour perfume workshop in the beautiful city
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-Starting Time:2:00pm
-Departure point:ABC DU PARFUM, 7 Rue Vineuse 75016 Paris. The nearest metro station is Trocadero.
-Time Duration:2-hour workshop
-Mobile Voucher Accepted

-High Lights-

#Learn about your connection to various scents guided by a perfume expert
#Create a perfume that best expresses your personality in this guided workshop
#Take your tailor-made perfume home with you

-What You Can Expect-

Learn the secrets of creating a perfume in the heart of the beautiful city of Paris.

Join this unique two-hour workshop for a chance to create a perfume that actually expresses who you are. With the help of a professional perfume expert, learn how to create a customized perfume that expresses your personality. Discover your own feelings with regard to different scents, and take a trip through a variety of over 150 olfactory emotions.

The perfume expert will study your olfactory profile, and test with you 15 different fragrance families that will remind you of various influences such as fruits, flowers, oriental scents and gourmet dishes in order to figure out the types that really attract you. The next step is choosing together the head, body and tail smells that you find attractive, and figuring out how to mix them in the right proportions.

The end result is your very own 「eau de perfume」 at 15 % alcohol content, that actually includes a choice and a mixture among 200 to 300 essential oils, and will become your own exclusive formula.


-Starting Time:2:00pm
-Departure point:ABC DU PARFUM, 7 Rue Vineuse 75016 Paris. The nearest metro station is Trocadero.
-Time Duration:2-hour workshop
-Mobile Voucher Accepted

-High Lights-

#Learn about your connection to various scents guided by a perfume expert
#Create a perfume that best expresses your personality in this guided workshop
#Take your tailor-made perfume home with you

-What You Can Expect-

Learn the secrets of creating a perfume in the heart of the beautiful city of Paris.

Join this unique two-hour workshop for a chance to create a perfume that actually expresses who you are. With the help of a professional perfume expert, learn how to create a customized perfume that expresses your personality. Discover your own feelings with regard to different scents, and take a trip through a variety of over 150 olfactory emotions.

The perfume expert will study your olfactory profile, and test with you 15 different fragrance families that will remind you of various influences such as fruits, flowers, oriental scents and gourmet dishes in order to figure out the types that really attract you. The next step is choosing together the head, body and tail smells that you find attractive, and figuring out how to mix them in the right proportions.

The end result is your very own 「eau de perfume」 at 15 % alcohol content, that actually includes a choice and a mixture among 200 to 300 essential oils, and will become your own exclusive formula.







2 小時前


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