2012-05-07 21:18:03期指贏家



The Lineage Prayer to the Profound Heart of Vimalamitra of the
Great Chetsun

清淨法身普賢王如來 圓滿報身金剛薩埵尊
自在應化身嘎拉多傑(極喜金剛) 至誠祈求加持成就我
持阿地寶藏蔣巴師利 任運持明力師利星哈
成就虹身貝瑪拉密紮(無垢友) 至誠祈求加持成就我
修持光明通達無學位 稽首禮覺尊善僧旺修
密跡空行母巴吉婁卻 至誠祈求加持成就我
貝瑪父子化現遍智身 稽首禮衛薩竹比多傑(第一世宗薩欽哲)
普照一切三根本壇城 至誠祈求加持成就我
成熟解脫齊證圓滿果 洗心滌慮輪涅桎梏除
清除業障廣集資糧道 祈賜加持感恩上師尊
永斷三門妄念煩惱根 無分別現證自性光明
願我任運四相無遮隱 悟入童子瓶身法界中(普賢佛土)
蠲除漏法大種歸清淨 憶念解脫直透虹光身
樂融覺尊法性平等中 願依四解脫根斷輪迴

The Lineage Prayer to the Profound Heart of Vimalamitra of the
Great Chetsun
To the primordial protector Samantabhadra, all-pervading lord of samsara and
To Vajrasattva, self-existing awareness matured into form,
To Garab Dorje, who shows the supreme vehicle beyond effort,
I fervently pray; bless me with your wisdom mind.

To Venerable Jampel Shenyen, the holder of the treasures of Ati.
To Shri Singha, who received the empowerment of manifest awareness.
To Vimalamitra, who manifested the vajra body of great transformation.
I fervently pray, bless me with your wisdom mind.

To the one who, accepted by these teachers, has perfected the path of
Chetsun Senge Wangchuk, who has attained the body of luminosity,
And to the holder of secrets, the dakini Palkyi Lodro.
I fervently pray, bless me with your wisdom mind.

To the illusory display of the wisdom of Vimalamitra, both father and son,
The all pervading lord, venerable Osel Trulpai Dorje,
Pema Garwang, chariot of the three sections of Atiyoga teachings.
I fervently pray, bless me with your wisdom mind.

The empowerment of innate awareness of the profound wisdom lineage, the
simultaneity of realization and liberation.
Pema Gyepai De, who has been able to actualize this,
And to the infinite Buddha Mandalas of the three roots,
I fervently pray, bless me with your wisdom mind.

May maturation and liberation, by the stages of empowerment, be instantly
Through the practice of mind-training, may I be freed from the bonds of samsara
and nirvana.
Through obscurations being purified, accumulations perfected and reaching the
height of devotion,
May the Guru's blessings enter my mind.

Having completely cut the basic root of delusion of the three doors,
Realizing the unbiased experience of primordial purity,
And arriving at the exhaustion of the four visions of spontaneous presence,
May I be liberated in the sphere of the youthful vase body.

Defilements self-exhausted, the elements naturally dissolved
And thoughts self-liberated, is the unobstructed luminous body.
Through being equal with Senge Wangchuk,
May the depths of samsara be overturned by the four liberations.

Composed by Lodro Thaye while remaining in a place of solitude.

May all virtue and excellence increase.

This daily practice of the Great Chetsun is divided into three parts. To turn
oneself into a suitable vessel: the preliminary practice before each session.
The common preliminary practice: the seven points of mind training. The
particular preliminary practice: the five points of accumulation and
First, the preliminary practice before each session. Relax in naturalness ones
three doors (body speech and mind). Visualizing one's teacher before one in the
sky, pray with great fervent longing:
具德根本上師寶 住於頂上蓮花
慈湣哀憐攝受我 領納身口意成就

Precious, glorious root teacher. . . and so forth.
I call upon you precious teacher, the embodiment of all the Buddhas of the three
Grant blessings so that my mind stream will be totally and completely matured,
Grant blessings through which the special realization of the profound path will
arise in my mind stream.
May you grant blessings through which I may be able to perfect the supreme path
of the luminous Great Perfection (completely) within this lifetime.

Thus we pray. At the end the Lama dissolves into oneself and one remains in the
natural state.
All conditioned things are impermanent, like bubbles of water.
All the happiness in samsara, though at the moment appearing as bliss, in truth
it is suffering, like the ripening effects of a poisonous fruit.
All the different conditions are never ending, like trying to reach a mirage of
All the actions of this life are completely futile, the same as a dream, whether
good or bad .
The excellent fruit of liberation never reverts back into suffering, like a
person whose recovered from smallpox.
The pith instructions of the supreme teacher like an excellent staircase. are
the path for ascending into the palace of liberation. 
Meditation free from thoughts is the basis for the growth of samadhi, like
cultivating and preparing a field.
Thus, through repeating and reflecting upon these points, generate the mind of
renunciation. Relax the body and mind. Keep the eyes wide awake and remain for a
moment in meditation, the mind in the state free from thoughts.
Third, the particular preliminary practice of five parts.
First, the recitation of the refuge, visualize the object of refuge according to
the commentary.
阿 清淨圓明法界身   任運智力受用身
無別大悲應化身 覺悟本性自皈依
AH. In the Dharmakaya, the primordially pure, fundamental luminosity,
Sambhogakaya, the spontaneously present expression of awareness,
Nirmanakaya, their compassionate inseparability,
Through recognizing my nature, I take refuge.

吙 迷心忽狂諸眾生   本自清淨法界中
智慧明力自解脫 大安住中正發心
Second, the recitation for the Bodhicitta.
HO. All the momentarily deluded beings,
In order to spontaneously free through awareness wisdom
Into the sphere of primordially pure space,
From within the great chokshak, I generate bodhicitta

阿 於自凡夫身中央  觀見三脈並四輪
清淨光明自體性 中脈臍下四指處
具德上師金剛尊 一面二臂深紅身
執持鈴杵報身飾 自光佛母雙運喜
金剛蓮花雙跏趺 蓮花月輪寶座上
安坐清淨五光蘊 上師金剛薩埵前
至誠祝禱不思議 吾身孽障諸罪墮
清淨無餘祈加持 一心一意誠祈請
智慧火焰遍脈輪 三門共同諸罪障
燒淨自身光明中 金剛薩埵身口意

(想要更仔細,可唸誦)吽 大悲佛金剛薩埵等。(在《釋續疏》中,有「如淨y$-õ!w!-É"-o{c|-」懺悔文。若無法修那麼仔細,可唸誦)
, Third is the recitation for purifying obscurations:
AH. In the center of my own ordinary body
Are the three channels and four chakras
The nature of clear bright light.
At the lower end in a hollow four fingers below the navel
Is the Lama, glorious Vajrasattva
Bright red with one face and two arms
Holding vajra and bell, in sambhogakaya form, he is
Delighted through the bliss of a consort, his own radiance.
They are seated in vajra and lotus postures
Upon a lotus and moon seat
Abiding in the sphere of five light essences.
To the Lama Vajrasattva
I pray with unswerving devotion.
Please bless me that all my evil deeds, obscurations, faults
And downfalls, may be cleansed and purified.
Through praying one-pointedly
The wisdom fire blazes up pervading the channels and chakras.
The sins and obscurations of three doors at one time,
Are burnt, purified, my body becomes a body of light,
And I am naturally, without fabricating,
Inseparable from the three secrets of Vajrasattva.

(Reciting and reflecting accordingly then recite as many of the hundred syllable
mantras as possible. At the end, if you like or are able then recite the prayer
of the 'Confession of Rudra` from the 'Confession Tantra':
"OM Great compassionate and victorious Vajrasattva"... etc.
or, if that is not possible do the confession through the common recitation

怙主我以無明故 於誓律儀有缺犯
上師怙主垂救護 尊勝總主金剛持
大悲具力之仁者 眾生依怙我皈依

"Oh protector I"...

次由燃智火 頂吽降甘露
遍滿於四輪 上師四身點
生起四喜樂 大智極歡喜
圓滿資糧果 四金剛不二
Fourth is the recitation for gathering the accumulations:
Finally the flame of wisdom fire
Draws the nectar from the HANG in the crown of the head
Which passes through the four chakras
Wherein the four kaya mandalas of the Lama
Are made extremely pleased by the great wisdom
Of joy, supreme joy, special joy, and innate joy.
The great accumulation of the fruition of great bliss is accomplished
And I am inseparable from the four vajras.

(如是唸誦,如是思惟。)瑪哈 蘇卡 班渣薩埵 阿吽(多誦,接下來入定。)
Thus repeat and imagine:
Recite this as many times as you can. Finally rest in equanimity.)

本 來清淨中,獅蓮日輪座上,自己觀想的本尊與上師無分之覺尊善僧吙啦,現喜怒之相的瑜伽行者,深紅色身、結定印、跏趺坐、絹寶骨印嚴飾。全身如裝滿芝麻的球
Fifth is the recitation for the path, the blessings of the Guru.
Begin by visualizing the support for the accumulations.
Within the sphere of primordial purity, upon a lion, lotus and sun throne is
one-self as the yogin Senge Shara the essence of the innate deity, inseparable
from the Guru. He is pleasingly dignified, with a semi-wrathful-smiling
expression, of reddish- brown complexion, hands in meditation mudra and seated
in the vajra posture. Adorned with silk, jewel and bone ornaments, all parts of
his body, like an opened sesame pod, are filled with the infinite three roots
and victorious ones. From all the his pores emanates the fire of vajra wisdom
with a multitude of small wrathful Herukas through which all demons and
obstacles are burnt up. He is surrounded by a retinue of the Gurus of the three
lineages and hosts of dakas and dakinis.
Within the brow center (a point in the middle of the forehead just above the
eyebrows) is a white double triangle (cho jung) with one fine point entering the
central channel. It is raised up, poised on this corner, and inside the
uppermost corner is a white, glowing bliss thigle, a wheel of joy whirling
clockwise with great speed. Straight in front above in the sky, is in essence
the root Guru in the form of Vimalamitra, with bright white complexion and
marked with an immortal white A on the tip of his nose. His hands are in the
equanimity mudra, holding a skullcup of amrita. He is wearing a shirt of blue
silk and dharma robes and seated joyfully in the vajra posture.
All appearances vibrate in dazzling movements of rainbow lights and thigles.
Also, again, through immeasurable light rays emanating from ones heart to all
the infinite three kaya pure lands, inconceivable wisdom beings, like the forms
just imagined, are invoked and instantly absorbed into the self and front

自性法身法界中   清淨上師請降臨
賜予加持自解脫   清除迷執勝灌頂
自性報身淨土中   任運上師請降臨
賜予加持大明力   增長智慧勝灌頂
大悲化身壇城中   無二上師請降臨
賜予加持顯本覺   虹身金剛勝灌頂
有境名為大安樂   空行秘密勝境處
本初怙主黑嚕嘎   星哈吙啦請降臨
隨尊成就我成就   祈加持故請降臨
迷心忽狂障礙消   不即不離灌垂賜
AH: From the palace of the essence, dharmakaya,
Guru of primordial purity, please come!
Grant the blessings of the Great Liberation
Bestow the supreme empowerment of purified delusion.

From the the self-existing, sambhogakaya pure land,
Guru of spontaneous presence, please come!
Grant the blessings of the Great Manifest Awareness
Bestow the supreme empowerment of increasing wisdom.

From the mandala of the compassionate, nirmanakaya,
Guru of inseparability, please come!
Grant the blessings that all appearances manifest as the ground.
Bestow the supreme empowerment of the vajra rainbow body.


The nature of the country is Great Bliss.
From the supreme secret place of the dakinis,
Primordial protector heruka
Senge Shara, please come here!
As I practice following after you,
For the purpose of blessing, think of this place
Dispel the obstruction of momentary delusion.
Bestow the empowerment beyond union or separation.
嗡阿吽 咕嚕 貝瑪拉密紮 吽吽 吽吽吽吽吽(如是 降臨加持,生起本尊與智慧尊合而為一。為了累積資糧再作叮嚀。)

Through that the blessings descend and the samaya and wisdom beings become
inseparable. In order to gather accumulations, then with prostrations:...
阿 四顯究竟上師前   不即不離敬頂禮 心氣清淨獻供雲   從本無為罪懺悔
  隨喜功德離二執    請轉無言妙法輪
大圓成實久住世    善資迴向普光明
AH. To the Guru who has reached the limits of the four visions.
I prostrate without union or separation.
Offering a cloud of offerings of the purified mind and prana
I make confession of the sins and downfalls in the unconditioned.
Without duality, I rejoice,
Please turn the wheel of dharma beyond words.
I beseech you to remain in the great absolute.
And dedicate all virtues in the space of luminous clarity .
(Thus offer the seven branch prayer)

Then, in order to attain the blessings, one arouses fervent devotion toward the
Guru in front. If one wishes, then one can recite the lineage prayer. After
whatever one does, then pray:

光明四相究竟得   顯現無轉五佛身
大遷清淨虹光身   無死貝瑪拉密紮
於我慈悲常憶念   現量加持即垂賜
Having perfected the four luminous visions
You manifest as the five kayas of unchanging awareness,
The radiant pure form of the great transformation rainbow body.
O' immortal Lord Vimalamitra,
Think of me with loving compassion,
And bestow, at this moment in person the blessings,

(thus pray and recite:)

嗡阿吽  咕嚕 貝瑪拉密紮 吽吽(如是一心持誦,再祈請三次。)


After reciting one-pointedly, receive the empowerments, first say the last
prayer another three times and then:

From the OM in the forehead of the Guru white rays of light like the shining
moon and immeasurable forms like himself shoot forth and are absorbed into one's
forehead. The obscurations of the body and the psychic channels are purified.
One obtains the conceptual vase empowerment and the ability/power to meditate on
worldly appearances as the mandala of manifest ground. The eighth bhumi is
reached and the fortune/opportunity to attain the five kayas.

From the AH at the Guru's throat center arises red light rays, like rays of the
sun and immeasurable garlands of A-LI-KA-LI dissolves into one's throat,
purifying the obscurations of speech and the psychic winds (prana). One obtains
the non-conceptual secret empowerment and the power of the unborn self-existent
vajra recitation. The eleventh bhumi is reached and the fortune of attaining the
fruit of the five speeches.
From the HUNG in the Guru's heart center light rays of blue light, and
innumerable clear blue AH's like the essence of melted lapis lazuli arise and
dissolve into one's own heart purifying the obscurations of mind and psychic
energy (bindu). One obtains the exceedingly non-conceptual wisdom empowerment
and power to meditate the wisdom of luminous great bliss. The thirteenth bhumi
is reached and the fortune of attaining the fruit of the five minds/thug.

From the three centers of the Guru arise light rays like rainbows shining forth
and from the 'citta rinpoche bub' a globe of five (colored) lights the size of a
thumbnail, dissolve into one's three places and mind purifying all at once
(together) the obscurations of the mind consciousness.

動。m-o|p-z-|"p|-cik-k"-y!c-Äd-ch†c-pw!-dd-oËd|-l|-k"-b# -l-h!k-z-php-my-ouc
One obtains the vast non-conceptual fourth (empowerment) and the power to
meditate the unity of the primordially pure (ka.dak) and the spontaneously
present (lhun.grub). One reaches the level of the wisdom Guru, and the fortune
of the perfected five qualities and buddha activities.
(at the end)

Out of joy, the Guru dissolves into light and by being absorbed into the whirl
of joy in the point between the eyebrows becomes a clear bright/dazzling
unmoving white thigle, the size of a pea, marked with the letter AH.

我願承斯善褔力    成就具德上師尊
無邊眾生一無餘    願悉安置於佛地
"Swiftly, may I by this merit
Of accomplishing the glorious protector and Guru... etc."

這 些詳細的所緣修法,在解說本裡可以明白。修前行法的七支前行,一座一座地實修成熟。特別以無執著的念來修心,生起止觀的定。假如唸皈依、發心、百字明、累

With various suitable verses of dedication and aspiration, enter the path of
action of the post-meditation period. The details of the visualization stages of
all this can be known from the text of instructions (triyik).
At the time of practicing the preliminaries, make each of the seven points of
mind training into a session and (practice until) actually experiencing it. In
particular, through training by relying on the non-conceptual state, make your
mind suitably practiced in the samadhi of samatha and vipashyana.
When counting numbers of the practices, such as refuge and so forth, make one
hundred thousand plus the amending numbers of refuge, bodhicitta, the hundred
syllable mantra, and the mantra for gathering the accumulations. It is excellent
if you can complete one hundred thousand prostrations combined with the Seven
Branches. Especially, make one hundred thousand of the supplication, and ten
times hundred thousand of the supplication- nyenpa. Practice, completing these
numbers. If you endeavor, mainly until personal experience and signs arise,
there will be no difficulty for the experiences and realization of the main
practice (the ngoshi) to arise. For this reason, it is imperative to lay the
foundation of the preliminary practices.
Elaborating a little on how it occurred in the text of instruction Nyingpo
Chudril Thigle Sangdzog, this was edited to be just the (daily) recitation text,
by Osel trulpe Dorje (Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo the First). May this virtue cause
whoever encounters this to be established in attaining the primordial state of

English completed in June 1983,in Dordogne, France by Lodro Palmo.