人自己也許是最複雜的,暴露了數學預見力的有限。就像一個看上去自信的賭徒也知道扔出去骰子可能把他的財富擲掉,諸多有關博弈的預測就象蹩腳的 “天氣預報”。對於戰略游戲來講,不確定的因素不在於自然,而在人自己。正如莎士比亞所說的:“過錯不在我們的星辰,而在我們自己。”現代複雜性理論(Complexity theory)揭示:人們之間的相互作用從本質上來講是無法預測的。
點評 一個好的交易系統會有很明確的買賣信號!止損以自己所能承受的風險為限,引出資金管理的問題!不同的交易方法和投資理念對止損的設置各有不同,但終究一點,止損是貫穿交易的始終的必不可少的程序,當一個頭寸贏利了解時,止損就變成了止贏,其實質是一樣的。止損的目的是使虧損限於小額,讓利潤充分增長,所以止損也必須是不斷移動的,這樣才能保住既得得利潤。一個適合交易的點位首先必須是一個便於止損的點位!好的交易系統要和投資理念和交易技巧融合一體形成一種交易的信念,用信念交易,使各種紀律和交易守則成為一種交易的習慣!
Pyramiding and Martingale
In the case of a random process, such as coin tosses, streaks of heads or tails do occur, since it would be quite improbable to have a regular alternation of heads and tails. There is, however, no way to exploit this phenomenon, which is, itself random. In non-random processes, such as secular trends in stock prices, pyramiding and other trend-trading techniques may be effective.
Pyramiding is a method for increasing a position, as it becomes profitable. While this technique might be useful as a way for a trader to pyramid up to his optimal position, pyramiding on top of an already-optimal position is to invite the disasters of over-trading. In general, such micro-tinkering with executions is far less important than sticking to the system. To the extent that tinkering allows a window for further interpreting trading signals, it can invite hunch trading and weaken the fabric that supports sticking to the system.
The Martingale system is a method for doubling-up on losing bets. In case the doubled bet loses, the method re-doubles and so on. This method is like trying to take nickels from in front of a steam roller. Eventually, one losing streak flattens the account.
Optimizing - Using Simulation
Once we select a betting system, say the fixed-fraction betting system, we can then optimize the system by finding the PARAMETERS that yield the best EXPECTED VALUE. In the coin toss case, our only parameter is the fixed-fraction. Again, we can get our answers by simulation. See figures 3 and 4.
Note: The coin-toss example intends to illuminate some of the elements of risk, and their inter-relationships. It specifically applies to a coin that pays 2:1 with a 50% chance of either heads or tails, in which an equal number of heads and tails appears. It does not consider the case in which the numbers of heads and tails are unequal or in which the heads and tails bunch up to create winning and losing streaks. It does not suggest any particular risk parameters for trading the markets.
Figure 3: Simulation of equity from a fixed-fraction betting system.
Figure 4: Expected value (ending equity) from ten tosses, versus bet fraction,
for a constant bet fraction system, for a 2:1 payoff game,
from the first and last columns of figure 3.
Optimizing - Using Calculus
Since our coin flip game is relatively simple, we can also find the optimal bet fraction using calculus. Since we know that the best system becomes apparent after only one head-tail cycle, we can simplify the problem to solving for just one of the head-tail pairs.
The stake after one pair of flips:
S = (1 + b*P) * (1 - b) * S0
S - the stake after one pair of flips
b - the bet fraction
P - the payoff from winning - 2:1
S0 - the stake before the pair of flips
(1 + b*P) - the effect of the winning flip
(1 - b) - the effect of the losing flip
So the effective return, R, of one pair of flips is:
R = S / S0
R = (1 + bP) * (1 - b)
R = 1 - b + bP - b2P
R = 1 + b(P-1) - b2P
Note how for small values of b, R increases with b(P-1) and how for large values of b, R decreases with b2P. These are the mathematical formulations of the timid and bold trader rules.
We can plot R versus b to get a graph that looks similar to the one we get by simulation, above, and just pick out the maximum point by inspection. We can also notice that at the maximum, the slope is zero, so we can also solve for the maximum by taking the slope and setting it equal to zero.
Slope = dR/db = (P-1) - 2bP = 0, therefore:
b = (P-1)/2P , and, for P = 2:1,
b = (2 - 1)/(2 * 2) = .25
So the optimal bet, as before, is 25% of equity.
Optimizing - Using The Kelly Formula
J. L. Kelly's seminal paper, A New Interpretation of Information Rate, 1956, examines ways to send data over telephone lines. One part of his work, The Kelly Formula, also applies to trading, to optimize bet size.
Figure 5: The Kelly Formula
Note that the values of W and R are long-term average values,
so as time goes by, K might change a little.
Figure 6: Optimal bet fraction increases linearly with luck, asymptotically to payoff.
The Expected Value of the Process, at the Optimal Bet Fraction
Figure 7: The optimal expected value increases with payoff and luck.
Finding the Optimal Bet Fraction from the Bet Size and Payoff
Figure 8: For high payoff, optimal bet fraction approaches luck.
Non-Balanced Distributions and High Payoffs
So far, we view risk management from the assumption that, over the long run, heads and tails for a 50-50 coin will even out. Occasionally, however, a winning streak does occur. If the payoff is higher than 2:1 for a balanced coin, the expected value, allowing for winning streaks, reaches a maximum for a bet-it-all strategy.
For example, for a 3:1 payoff, each toss yields an expected value of payoff-times-probability or 3/2. Therefore, the expected value for ten tosses is $1,000 x (1.5)10 or about $57,665. This surpasses, by far, the expected value of about $4,200 from optimizing a 3:1 coin to about a 35% bet fraction, with the assumption of an equal distribution of heads and tails.
Almost Certain Death Strategies
Bet-it-all strategies are, by nature, almost-certain-death strategies. Since the chance of survival, for a 50-50 coin equals (.5)N where N is the number of tosses, after ten tosses, the chance of survival is (.5)10, or about one chance in one thousand. Since most traders do not wish to go broke, they are unwilling to adopt such a strategy. Still, the expected value of the process is very attractive, so we would expect to find the system in use in cases where death carries no particular penalty other than loss of assets.
For example, a general, managing dispensable soldiers, might seek to optimize his overall strategy by sending them all over the hill with instructions to charge forward fully, disregarding personal safety. While the general might expect to lose many of his soldiers by this tactic, the probabilities indicate that one or two of them might be able to reach the target and so maximize the overall expected value of the mission.
Likewise, a portfolio manager might divide his equity into various sub-accounts. He might then risk 100% of each sub account, thinking that while he might lose many of them, a few would win enough so the overall expected value would maximize. This, the principle of DIVERSIFICATION, works in cases where the individual payoffs are high.
Diversification is a strategy to distribute investments among different securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular security. The strategy relies on the average security having a profitable expected value, or luck-payoff product. Diversification also offers some psychological benefits to single-instrument trading since some of the short-term variation in one instrument may cancel out that from another instrument and result in an overall smoothing of short-term portfolio volatility.
The Uncle Point
From the standpoint of a diversified portfolio, the individual component instruments subsume into the overall performance. The performance of the fund, then becomes the focus of attention, for the risk manager and for the customers of the fund. The fund performance, then becomes subject to the same kinds of feelings, attitudes and management approaches that investors apply to individual stocks.
In particular, one of the most important, and perhaps under-acknowledged dimensions of fund management is the UNCLE POINT or the amount of draw down that provokes a loss of confidence in either the investors or the fund management. If either the investors or the managers become demoralized and withdraw from the enterprise, then the fund dies. Since the circumstances surrounding the Uncle Point are generally disheartening, it seems to receive, unfortunately, little attention in the literature.
In particular, at the initial point of sale of the fund, the Uncle Point typically receives little mention, aside from the requisite and rather obscure notice in associated regulatory documentation. This is unfortunate, since a mismatch in the understanding of the Uncle Point between the investors and the management can lead to one or the other giving up, just when the other most needs reassurance and reinforcement of commitment.
In times of stress, investors and managers do not access obscure legal agreements, they access their primal gut feelings. This is particularly important in high-performance, high-volatility trading where draw downs are a frequent aspect of the enterprise.
Without conscious agreement on an Uncle Point, risk managers typically must assume, by default to safety, that the Uncle Point is rather close and so they seek ways to keep the volatility low. As we have seen above, safe, low volatility systems rarely provide the highest returns. Still, the pressures and tensions from the default expectations of low-volatility performance create a demand for measurements to detect and penalize volatility.
Measuring Portfolio Volatility
Sharpe, VaR, Lake Ratio and Stress Testing
From the standpoint of the diversified portfolio, the individual components merge and become part of the overall performance. Portfolio managers rely on measurement systems to determine the performance of the aggregate fund, such as the Sharpe Ratio, VaR, Lake Ratio and Stress Testing.
William Sharpe, in 1966, creates his "reward-to-variability ratio." Over time it comes to be known as the "Sharpe Ratio." The Sharpe Ratio, S, provides a way to compare instruments with different performances and different volatilities, by adjusting the performances for volatilities.
S = mean(d)/standard_deviation(d) ... the Sharpe Ratio, where
d = Rf - Rb ... the differential return, and where
Rf - return from the fund
Rb - return from a benchmark
Various variations of the Sharpe Ratio appear over time. One variation leaves out the benchmark term, or sets it to zero. Another, basically the square of the Sharpe Ratio, includes the variance of the returns, rather than the standard deviation. One of the considerations about using the Sharpe ratio is that it does not distinguish between up-side and down-side volatility, so high-leverage / high-performance systems that seek high upside-volatility do not appear favorably.
VaR, or Value-at-Risk is another currently popular way to determine portfolio risk. Typically, it measures the highest percentage draw down, that is expected to occur over a given time period, with 95% chance. The drawbacks to relying on VaR are that (1) historical computations can produce only rough approximations of forward volatility and (2) there is still a 5% chance that the percentage draw down will still exceed the expectation. Since the most severe draw down problems (loss of confidence by investors and managers) occur during these "outlier" events, VaR does not really address or even predict the very scenarios it purports to remedy.
A rule-of-thumb way to view high volatility accounts, by this author, is the Lake Ratio. If we display performance as a graph over time, with peaks and valleys, we can visualize rain falling on a mountain range, filling in all the valleys. This produces a series of lakes between peaks. In case the portfolio is not at an all-time high, we also erect a dam back up to the all time high, at the far right to collect all the water from the previous high point in a final, artificial lake. The total volume of water represents the integral product of drawdown magnitude and drawdown duration.
If we divide the total volume of water by the volume of the earth below it, we have the Lake Ratio. The rate of return divided by the Lake Ratio, gives another measure of volatility-normal return. Savings accounts and other instruments that do not present draw downs do not collect lakes so their Lake-adjusted returns can be infinite.
Figure 9: The Lake Ratio = Blue / Yellow
Getting a feel for volatility by inspection.
Stress Testing
Stress Testing is a process of subjecting a model of the trading and risk management system to historical data, and noticing the historical performance, with special attention to the draw downs. The difficulty with this approach, is that few risk managers have a conscious model of their systems, so few can translate their actual trading systems to computer code. Where this is possible, however, it provides three substantial benefits (1) a framework within which to determine optimal bet-sizing strategies, (2) a high level of confidence that the systems are logical, stable and efficacious, and (3) an exhibit to support discussions to bring the risk/reward expectations of the fund managers and the investors into alignment.
The length of historical data sample for the test is likely adequate if shortening the length by a third or more has no appreciable effect on the results.
Portfolio Selection
During market cycles, individual stocks exhibit wide variations in behavior. Some rise 100 times while others fall to 1 percent of their peak values. Indicators such as the DJIA, The S&P Index, the NASDAQ and the Russell, have wide variations from each other, further indicating the importance of portfolio selection. A portfolio of the best performing stocks easily outperforms a portfolio of the worst performing stocks. In this regard, the methods for selecting the trading portfolio contribute critically to overall performance and the methodology to select instruments properly belongs in the back-testing methods.
The number of instruments in a portfolio also effects performance. A small number of instruments produces volatile, occasionally very profitable performance while a large number of instruments produces less volatile and more stable, although lower, returns.
Position Sizing
Some position sizing strategies consider value, others risk. Say a million dollar account intends to trade twenty instruments, and that the investor is willing to risk 10% of the account.
Value-Basis position sizing divides the account into twenty equal sub-accounts of $50,000 each, one for each stock. Since stocks have different prices, the number of shares for various stocks varies.
Value-Basis Position Sizing
Dividing $50,000 by $50/share gives 1000 Shares
Risk-Basis position sizing considers the risk for each stock, where risk is the entry price minus the stop-out point. It divides the total risk allowance, say 10% or $100,000 into twenty sub accounts, each risking $5,000. Dividing the risk allowance, $5,000 by the risk per share, gives the number of shares.
$5,000 $50,000
Risk-Basis Position Sizing
Dividing $5,000 by $5 risk/share gives 1000 Shares
Note that since risk per share may not be proportional to price per share (compare stocks B & C), the two methods may not indicate the same number of shares. For very close stops, and for a high risk allowance, the number of shares indicating under Risk-Basis sizing may even exceed the purchasing power of the account.
Psychological Considerations
In actual practice, the most important psychological consideration is ability to stick to the system. To achieve this, it is important (1) to fully understand the system rules, (2) to know how the system behaves and (3) to have clear and supportive agreements between all parties that support sticking to the system.
For example, as we noticed earlier, profits and losses do not likely alternate with smooth regularity; they appear, typically, as winning and losing streaks. When the entire investor-manager team realizes this as natural, it are more likely to stay the course during drawdowns, and also to stay appropriately modest during winning streaks.
In addition, seminars, support groups and other forms of attitude maintenance can help keep essential agreements on track, throughout the organization.
Risk Management - Summary
In general, good risk management combines several elements:
1. Clarifying trading and risk management systems until they can translate to computer code.
2. Inclusion of diversification and instrument selection into the back-testing process.
3. Back-testing and stress-testing to determine trading parameter sensitivity and optimal values.
4. Clear agreement of all parties on expectation of volatility and return.
5. Maintenance of supportive relationships between investors and managers.
6. Above all, stick to the system.
7. See #6, above.