2009-08-06 02:12:04tizi

quello che mi hanno detto~


You said why woman need a man?

If Salvatore can bring you to the afternoon tea, Jimmy walk you the elegance cocktail party, Sergio accompany you every working day, Giuseppe dance with you till the morning light, Christian makes you think you are the sexist one, Stuart won’t interrupt the girls’ gossip Sunday picnic. Although new shoes at first are so uncomfortable sometimes, but you rather choose them instead a bleeding heart hurt by a man.


Dici che sei colpita da colpo di fulmina per la prima volta della tua vita

Domandi perché gli altri non abbia coraggio di innamorarsi o perché abbia paura di dire alla persona che la ama,

sei cosi concentrata, sei fissata, sei coraggiosa…

magari troppo fantasia troppo pazza…

ma perché no?!

Si, certamente c’era volta che sei così ferita…ma tu non perdi mai la speranza.


You remember all the perfumes of each boy.

Gucci by Gucci brings you back to the spring night, after loads of strong shots, you did one thing you shouldn’t, strangely you have no regret for that, thought the ending wasn’t so pleasant as you image, but you wont diney it was one beautiful memory in your life.

Bvlgari remind you the most beloved one, after years and years he chased you, you lost him, you got back together, you two didn’t got the “they live happily ever after”, but you will never forget him, the one who gave you the most freedom and space to let you realized your dream.

CK BE, the most classic one ever, even the perfume market launch tons of choose every season, but no one can replace the CK BE, like to sunshine boy, which play basketball after school, the first boy you followed him home just because you want to say “goodbye and see you next day”, you were so crazy about him, even he just said hi with a simple smile, you think that was the most fascinating and unforgettable moment.

So what’s next? You don’t know, but if a boy wants to have you, he most has to surprise you by his perfume.


Sei ambiziosa, sei intelligente, sei divertente…

Avevi conosciuto il tuo vero amore a quel paese straniero, dopo di che avete viaggiato insieme per anni, lui dice agli altri sempre che non può vivere senza di te, anche solo una settimana di vacanza, si sente proprio male. Siete così carini di essere insieme, anche i tuoi amici difendono per voi, non permettono gli altri rovinare il vostro rapporto. Finalmente avete deciso di fermarsi in questa città, con i belli ricordi del vostro viaggio nella vostra piccola casa…


You said you belong the free bohemian people which have no rule in life, always free to go wherever they want do whatever they want, other people envy you, cause you smart and you always have to courage to fight for yourself, of course once you got hurt so much, for the rock and roll boy, both mentally and physically. In one occasion, you meet him; you are the star in his eye. Your soul still eager to be free to see around the world, now you got him to hold your hand, protecting you but you still have your own space, now both of you just ready to get to the next level of life.



Sei bella, sei super attiva, piana di fantasia…

Introno di te, sempre c’e un sacco di corteggiatore, ma avevi lasciato il tuo cuore a quello, quello che viaggia sempre… il tempo vola, non hai neanche la voglia di ricominciare un rapporto con altro, ci pensi, ci pensi, ti fa così male, tuoi amici stanno preoccupando di te, ma non ce la fai di andare avanti, sperando un giorno ci sarà qualcuno ti salva, ti ama…



You said why after these 10 years effort, but now all you have is endless fight and tear, at least you have two cute angels with you, you can hardly sleep and eat, even breath can make you feel so pain, but you didn’t realize you are still sexy hot, all these challenge of life won’t beat you down, you will become stronger and tougher, one day there will be a men which is totally belong to you, for sure!



Sei creativa, sei sensibile…

Da’anni hai deciso di lasciarlo, solo che non ce la fai mai, tra mezzo della tua famiglia e tuo fidanzato c’è sempre una guerra, sei in dilemma e indecisa, il suo sguardo, suo sorriso, quando lui hip hop, quando lui facendo qualcosa buffa solo per farti ridere. Ti godi i momenti che passate insieme, passate parecchio parecchio parecchio tempo insieme,strigi la sua mano cosi forte sapendo tutte le ragazze per la strada stanno guardano il tuo fidanzato. Alla fine ti butti quello paese, la gente è cosi antipatia e il lavoro così pesante, speri che abbia una nuova vita, sarebbe una strada dura ma non hai paura, perché per la prima volta nei questi anni ti senti sei libera…



You used to believed the THE ONE theory, you did lots of scarifies to conquer the 12 hrs difference, but to pursuit your dream, you move to the other side of world, you still had faith in him, just all these different time/ life/ school/ city/ experience, made grand distance between you two, you kept wondering if he still the one you want or you know? Another new relationship, you lived/ slept / eat together, you share all the intimate moment, totally 2 different types of relationship, you learn and made yourself to become a better girl.