2004-12-28 18:19:44Rebecca
A Kaleidoscope Called, “A Woman’s Mind”

I flip through the pages of my memory files; I find the most cherish able split seconds that will freeze forever in my mind:
When we are in the fast car ride with the sunroof open and the music so loud, I look up at the starry night, grab your hand and reach to the sky try to catch the wind
When you make me decide if we should turn left or right in the middle of the road with the lights on green
When we lay on the sofa watching TV until we are so tired that we both fall asleep
When I wake up in the morning, I watch you sleep peacefully
That picture brings me to my tears to think how lucky can a woman be to watch the love one lying by her side
When I’m out from the morning shower with the towel around my neck, water drop on your skin while I give you the tender kiss to wake you up
When I turn my back and look out at the trees washed by the sun, you lay there and watch with a smile on your face as if you are enjoying the scene
When I jump on the bed for some cuddling routine, you open up the great arms to take me in and bring me the warmth
The soft comforter brush through our skin and brings essential feeling
When we sit by coffee shop for brunch, I work on the bread with my coffee; you read your paper and talk nonsense on and off
Boy, you don’t know how much I want you. It’s like a craving for candy bar; I could never get enough.
I need to see you every second to feel your breath, your touch, your smile, and your kisses.
I don’t understand what this emotion is that’s causing me to lose my sense.
Maybe, maybe it’s called love!
I am frightened about this feeling.
I feel like the maternal instinct in me had unleashed a wild horse that had lost his freedom for years.
You are happy and free like a child around me.
But what does that make me?
Can I take it?
Is it my inferiority, which dragged me to dance with the black shadow inside?
Or is it you, who in fact is the shadow himself?
Gosh, I am so blind; I can’t even tell what’s what anymore.
My mind is changing every 30 second about my opinion for you.
Call me opinionated or paranoid!
We women confuse ourselves so easily; walking along a cotton threat, we need to be careful not to fall into the dark hole; otherwise, we’d be lost in our own train of thoughts whether they are bright or dark.
We women can be so foolish and simple sometimes. One mindless physical action or dialog can change our mood for the day.
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder, it’s actually easy to be a woman perhaps. A movie went, “Act as a woman is easy; as long as my man is ok, and I am ok.”
Is this the role of a woman?
If so, I’ll put down my arrogance and be humble; I’ll forget about being a tough woman and be tender; I’ll let go the endless ambition and be plain.
But would I be truly happy after 5 years or so?
Give me a sign, a kiss or whatever, to ensure me once again everything is real.
I need to look into your eyes for a define answer, a precise answer able enough to sooth my uncertain soul.
When I look at you, I am not afraid; not afraid to hold your hand and walk with you side by side to face a brighter future.
I don’t care which role I play; woman, man, mother, child, lover, etc. as long as it work both ways.
When we are in the fast car ride with the sunroof open and the music so loud, I look up at the starry night, grab your hand and reach to the sky try to catch the wind
When you make me decide if we should turn left or right in the middle of the road with the lights on green
When we lay on the sofa watching TV until we are so tired that we both fall asleep
When I wake up in the morning, I watch you sleep peacefully
That picture brings me to my tears to think how lucky can a woman be to watch the love one lying by her side
When I’m out from the morning shower with the towel around my neck, water drop on your skin while I give you the tender kiss to wake you up
When I turn my back and look out at the trees washed by the sun, you lay there and watch with a smile on your face as if you are enjoying the scene
When I jump on the bed for some cuddling routine, you open up the great arms to take me in and bring me the warmth
The soft comforter brush through our skin and brings essential feeling
When we sit by coffee shop for brunch, I work on the bread with my coffee; you read your paper and talk nonsense on and off
Boy, you don’t know how much I want you. It’s like a craving for candy bar; I could never get enough.
I need to see you every second to feel your breath, your touch, your smile, and your kisses.
I don’t understand what this emotion is that’s causing me to lose my sense.
Maybe, maybe it’s called love!
I am frightened about this feeling.
I feel like the maternal instinct in me had unleashed a wild horse that had lost his freedom for years.
You are happy and free like a child around me.
But what does that make me?
Can I take it?
Is it my inferiority, which dragged me to dance with the black shadow inside?
Or is it you, who in fact is the shadow himself?
Gosh, I am so blind; I can’t even tell what’s what anymore.
My mind is changing every 30 second about my opinion for you.
Call me opinionated or paranoid!
We women confuse ourselves so easily; walking along a cotton threat, we need to be careful not to fall into the dark hole; otherwise, we’d be lost in our own train of thoughts whether they are bright or dark.
We women can be so foolish and simple sometimes. One mindless physical action or dialog can change our mood for the day.
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder, it’s actually easy to be a woman perhaps. A movie went, “Act as a woman is easy; as long as my man is ok, and I am ok.”
Is this the role of a woman?
If so, I’ll put down my arrogance and be humble; I’ll forget about being a tough woman and be tender; I’ll let go the endless ambition and be plain.
But would I be truly happy after 5 years or so?
Give me a sign, a kiss or whatever, to ensure me once again everything is real.
I need to look into your eyes for a define answer, a precise answer able enough to sooth my uncertain soul.
When I look at you, I am not afraid; not afraid to hold your hand and walk with you side by side to face a brighter future.
I don’t care which role I play; woman, man, mother, child, lover, etc. as long as it work both ways.