2020-09-15 00:58:36妙音

【度過中秋劫的黑肚綿羊】(懇請分享 幫助經濟型動物)


【度過中秋劫的黑肚綿羊】(懇請分享 幫助經濟型動物)
【Please continue reading for English version】



我們在秋節前夕,將三隻所謂骨厚肉薄肥瘦適中的黑肚綿羊,帶回園區,使其免於活殺燒烤的恐懼大苦!師兄姐若是體恤動物的活殺,是人世間最為恐佈畏懼的酷刑,支持園區可幫助園區搶救動物於萬苦之中: ( 觀音的家是政府立案團體,收據可報稅用!但是學會法律顧問告知 :不要在公開場合臉書等,公開學會的帳户,也请各位不要轉發。請透過私訊或 mail 詢問支持辦法!)

1. 學會統一對外窗口: (06)208-7772
2. 護生公告: https://avalokitesvara.tw/newsCon.php?ap=6
3. LINE ID: a0981552011
4. 信箱: a0981552011@gmail.com
5. 會址: 台南市東區東門路二段八十九號七樓之二
6. 建議回向文: https://avalokitesvara.tw/activity.php?items=10

圖片: 獲救之黑肚綿羊與紅面番鴨玉照

【Barbado Sheeps Escaped Death in Mid-Autumn Festival】(Please share to rescue and protect farm animals!)

Barbado sheeps are one of the most popular animals in zoos, tourist spots as well as kid's paradises with their likable faces and loud and clear sounds. On the other hand, with their meat being not much gamey, the barbado sheeps usually end up serving as BBQ in restaurants.

Sadly to be born in the animal realm, animals are always heavily exploited. Right before the Mid-Autumn festive season, the barbado sheeps retired from entertainment shows were to be sent to slaughterhouse, for feeding the greedy humans in this festival which ironically celebrates union.

Before the festive day, we are delighted to bring these 3 barbado sheeps, which are considered good meat in somebody's eyes, back to our sanctuary such that they can avoid the horrible pain and fear of slaughter and grilling. If you understand the pain of animals need to go through during culling, the most fearful and dreadful torture in the world, please continue to empower us to save many more animals in agonies! (Tax deductible in Taiwan.)

Captures: Rescued barbado sheeps and muscovy ducks.

To enquire, please contact us at
1. Hotline: (06) 208-7772;
2. LINE messenger: 0981552011;
3. Email: a0981552011@gmail.com; or
4. Address: 7F.-2, No. 89, Sec. 2, Dongmen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City 701, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Remember to dedicate the merits of saving and protecting animals to your karmic creditors and every sentient being in the world by invoking the aid of Buddha:

1. May all sentient beings leave suffering and attain bliss.
2. May the merit and virtue accrued from this work
Adorn the Buddha’s Pure Land,
Repaying the four kinds of kindness above
And aiding those suffering in the three paths below.
May those who see and hear of this
Bring forth the resolve for Bodhi
And when this life is over,
Be born together in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
3. Followed by any other specific best wishes for specific beings.

(Credits to: Dharma Realm Buddhist Association and Vajra Bodhi Sea for the translated dedication prayer and Verse of Transference)

恭錄自   臺南市觀音的家佛學會