2005-06-24 21:34:32TIna

Let world change you, you can change the world

When I ever know this movie, it was touching my heart deeply.
Somehow, I always think I don’t feel good about myself in many ways.

My family, my life, my relationship, my job.. I just don’t like they at all.
But from this story, I have seen the different world. If I ever want to change my life I guess it’s just a simply thing.

I love my friends, someone who always treat me nicely. When I feel lonely they will always be there and support me and wait for me. I miss my girls in TPE.

A normal life can adjust my thought from my pass. I have been hurting people who love me so much. Now, I cannot let this kind of thing happen again. To be here please allow me to say sorry for people how treat me and love me so much in my life.

I want to choose not to hurt anyone in anyone’s life again.