2013-05-19 19:00:05Sunny Liu

Animal Sounds Song

Animal Sounds Song

Can you make the sounds of these animals? x 2
The duck goes " quack " " quack " " quack "  " quack. "
The pig goes " oink " " oink " " oink " " oink. "
The cow goes " moo " " moo " " moo " " moo. "
The elephant goes " braaalooo ".

Can you make the sounds of these animals? x 2
The cat goes " meow " " meow " " meow " " meow. "
The donkey goes " hee haw " hee haw " " hee haw. "
The chicken goes " bock " " bock "  " bock. "
The frog goes " ribbit " " ribbit " " ribbit " " ribbit. "

You can make the sounds of these animals. x 2
The dog goes "woof " "woof " "woof " "woof. "
The bee goes " buzz " " buzz " " buzz " " buzz. "
The goat goes " maa " " maa " " maa " " maa. "
The sheep goes " baa " " baa " " baa " " baa. "

You can make the sounds of these animals. x 2
The tiger goes " grrr " " grrr " " grrr. "
The lion goes " roar " " roar " " roar " " roar. "
The kangaroo goes " hop " " hop " " hop. "
The alligator goes " chomp " "chomp " "chomp. "

Now you know the sounds of the animals. x 2


Rosa 2013-05-21 08:20:24


Dear Rosa: 我也覺得它好聽又容易學喔! 2013-05-29 13:33:34