2013-05-02 13:04:08Sunny Liu
Songs of Mother's Day
Cute " Happy Mothers Day " Song
Have a happy Mother's Day. x 4
Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.
Happy Mother's Day. x 2
Happy, happy, Mother's Day. x 2
Happy, happy Mother's Day to ~~~~you~~~.
Have a happy Mother's Day.
Mother's Day Song
Mommy, Mommy, I love you, Mommy.
This is your special day.
Flowers and presents and breakfast in bed.
Whatever you wish, forever give you instead.
Mommy, Mommy, I love you, Mommy.
Lots of choice for you today.
Bear hugs and kisses to show how I feel.
I love you mommy bee.
Baking, cooking,washing and working.
Making all household .
Always helping, careful for my loving.
I never feel alone.
Mommy, Mommy, I love you Mommy,
In our special way.
So on every second Sunday in May,
We'll celebrate Mother's Day.
Mommy, I love you.
You know me love you so.
Happy Mother's Day Song mp3
Happy, happy, Mother's Day. x 4
Thank you for taking care of me. x 2
Happy, happy, Mother's Day. x 4
I love you and you love me.
We're a great big family! x 2
Happy, happy, Mother's Day. x 8