2007-10-23 23:14:26+...Tsaiyuchia...+

For Duck*

Some times,
If something you are not doing very well,
don’t be sad, just tell yourself:
next time will be better.

People always say out loud, but never put into action.
Even if people want to study,
they also want to spend some free time deep in their heart.
My friend,
do you want to know the root reason?

At first,
I can’t find out the problem either,
but now,
I need to take care of all my work,
if I am not doing well,
no one will care about me,
you know what,
when I’m not doing very well,
I feel so strange,
then I start to ask myself:
Where is a problem?
And try to change the grade next time.

The basic reason that I want to stay here is that I want to let people here know Taiwanese people are great,
so in any activities,
I show the best of mine.
I changed myself from a lazy schoolgirl(oh my gosh!!! when Jerry saw this, he ask me: are you a lazy schoolgirl in Taiwan??) into a hard-working student.
Some people ask me why?
And I want to talk to you that:

Because I have my own goal.
I know what I want to be at the end,
so I will do my best for anything.
I refuse to be doing bad becuase I am sad when I am not doing well, and becuase next time I wouldn’t change better.
This is pitiful, right?

People always have big goals,
but try to ask yourself:
Do I have enough cause for this goal??
Which ending will I get??

Finally I want to tell you is that:
”don’t just tell people you can do something.Just do it!!!!!”
You know what?
If you really want to acheive goal,
you will notice:
”any words you say you can’t are excuses.
If you really want to acheive your goal,
you will have to try your best to overcome all the impossble difficulties!!!”
Does that make sense?? ^0^

★鴨子"ܤ 2007-11-01 08:54:19

= =
想太多耶妳= =

Did I said I am worried??
I really want to talk to you about what happen today!!!!!!!
Today is Halloween, and............ ~ ~
well............do you want to know what happen?? hahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-11-01 10:36:04
★鴨子"ܤ 2007-10-31 16:49:58


sure, I will give you the picture ^ ^

and I don`t think you can win if you want to seize,
because my charm is bigger than yours!~!!XD!!!!!!!

ok, i`m just kidding ~
2007-10-31 23:13:17
Gilman 2007-10-31 07:53:56








yeah I know.......
I decide finish senior high school and college in Taiwan, but I want to take master`s degree from abroad. That will be spend less money, isn`t that?

I am not sure what is sucess means, because I am not really sucess now,
but I believe when I try to do my best for my dream, although it will has to overcome lots of difficult things, but after those process, I will discover the true significance of the word sucess.
2007-10-31 23:10:34