2006-01-29 13:51:52茶tea


Where did we come up with the term "die laughing"? How many chuckle fatalities do you suppose there really are?

As a matter of fact, I hear more studies every day that indicate the exact opposite. Studies show that a good belly laugh lowers blood pressure and boosts the immune system. That means that people who laugh more get sick less. They're better able to fight off illness. Laughter has been found to help the circulatory and respiratory systems as well. It helps chemically with stress levels, too. It even helps a person deal with pain better.

If you're in the midst of any kind of pain, it might be just what the doctor ordered to have a little chuckle. It may seem unnatural to be laughing through pain of any kind. But since laughter helps with physical, emotional and mental health, maybe we should stop fighting it and let ourselves laugh when the time is right. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.?Doesn't that mean we should stop fighting the giggles and take our medicine?

Incidentally, you might be interested to know that a good belly laugh burns a few calories, too.
It's medicine and it's practically aerobic! One more reason to laugh, and one more way to be inspired to work toward a merry heart. A merry heart will add "life" to your life. So go ahead. LIVE laughing!