2008-04-03 04:44:57雅蜜拉







Thank you for the article. You must be very proud of your very advanced country. But, to be honest with you, and from my middle eastern point of view, from the article I got the feeling that Taiwan is vastly practical and not an intimate country. It is like a beautiful female model; she is very beautiful, smart, fit, but she has no soul or inner beauty. I prefer the chaos of Egypt and the outer ugliness since it is accompanied with a real human feelings and strong family and friendship relations. You may not like my opinion, but this is the life; people should be different in order for the life to continue. It would be a disaster if all of the people love the same thing.




First of all, I did not send you this article because I want to show how good my country is. I just appreciate that there is a foreigner who is willing to write done his observation in Taiwan. This is seldom seem. I thought it would be interesting to share his view with you guys. So do not worry, I expect people would have different feeling about this article. In fact, I believe this article also induced different response among Taiwanese. Additionally, I agree Taiwanese society is not perfect but not entirely for the reasons this author has mentioned.


What you said could be very true if you explore the city part of Taiwan. As mentioned in the article, Taiwanese get a sense that we have to be very strong to survive in the world and under the shadow or influence of China. I agree very much with the description of the author that ”......seems like the citizens of Taiwan situate themselves in a jumbo jet: if the pace slows down below a certain speed, then it will crash.” He described how we feel very precisely. Perhaps, being a Taiwanese, we have to carry this burden. (Just like English somehow have to dislike French, haha) I often think if we did not produce the majority amount of semiconductors and computers that world needs and is not the major economic body in the world, perhaps it would be difficult for us to still be an independent region (if not country) from China. If we are not important in a way to the world, the world would not give a damn about whether Taiwan exists or suddenly disappears.


We are very practical indeed because we have to survive. (but most of the time, people are friendly to foreigners. Otherwise how do you think it is possible for this foreign guy talked to so many people so openly just within two weeks?) That, however, does not mean we are not affectionate. People do not hold hand in the public does not really mean they do not love each other. People in the countryside just do not express love in a westernized way. We do not say I love you, but share food to show we love somebody just because in our grandmother generation, most of people cannot even feed themselves with sufficient food. Under that circumstances, sharing food is really a very generous expression of love. Much more valuable than just saying it. This become part of our culture so even we are a better and wealthier society now, we still use food to express friendliness and love. If fact, in Taiwanese language, we greet each other by saying ”have you eaten yet” than ”how are you today” when we try to make light and relaxed conversation instead of formal conversation.


One thing the author did not say or realize is in those parents’ opinion, to train their children to be stronger is also another kind of love because they do not want their children to be left behind since nowadays, the children have not only to compete with children in Taiwan but also those around the world. (Though somehow I think perhaps it is not necessary to overload the children with these extracurricular activities to make them a good person. A lot of the outstanding people do not receive top education anyways.) Perhaps this kind of love is a bit over, too implicit, and may not be right, but that is how people love their children in Taiwan. My own experience is not that extreme. My parents pay more attention on our moral behaviour than the school grade. So I do not have to be forced to learn these things. That is why I said this is part of Taiwanese life but not all of them. And by the way, we do have strong family relations. In fact, a considerable amount of Chinese think Taiwan preserved more traditional Chinese family values than China because we did not have communist culture revolution which met to destroy all the traditional value.


I remember you told me that you do enjoy staying in Japan. Frankly, Taiwan, in some way, is more like Japan than China. I also found that a lot of description in this article fit the profile of Japan as well. (Do you know some of the Japanese pre-school require entrance exams, sometimes both on parents and child? How practicle this would be......) Therefore, I am optimistic that if one day you have chance to visit Taiwan, you will also like my country as you like Japan. ^^ I hope you will have chance to visit Taiwan in the future and experience what Taiwan is by yourself. I do also hope to visit Egypt someday to experience the chaos that you have enjoyed.


Thanks for sharing your opinion, reading this long email and reading the article I sent you.




恨光陰 2008-05-02 02:00:47



埃及先生後來回覆說,他的評論完全是針對文章而發,而非personal experience (好險,要不然我就成了造成台灣負面形象的始作俑者了.......)




2008-05-03 04:05:07