2008-12-23 00:11:16taki

Away from Christmas


Finished the super 麻煩的 project finally~!! Holiday begin!

(I really want to stay at home with my family!! ><)

with Taki is going to Beijing from 23/12 to 31/12, and also 廣西 from 1/1 to 7/1.

Please pray for my health and safty..... as i really don't like cold weather..... ><

Leave me any voice message if you want to find me, and just send SMS to me for any emergency. (It will cost a few dollar i think...... but i believe no one would like to call me, haha!)

Merry Christmas to all my friend! Love you all!!

多謝小娜和秋人總是給我無限量的支持, 多謝Miss L同雞毛聽我講廢話,

還有正在看這篇日記的你, 祝大家新一年也要開開心心喔!

PS: 大家記得去戲院看《神探伽俐略》喔, 呵呵!!!

秋人 2008-12-26 00:52:51

嗯........那個不是我吧? =.=a (什麼都沒做的人...)

呵呵~ 是你喔, 真的~
雖然這樣說好像很奇怪, 不過還是很衷心感謝你帶給我的陽光呢~!! >w
2009-01-12 17:37:26