2010-10-20 16:01:51台北文化護照小天使

Creative Lifestyle Stroll: Old ‘Showa-cho’

Creative Lifestyle Stroll: Old ‘Showa-cho’


Today this neighborhood is known as Taipei’s Qingtian Street, Yongkang Street and the surrounding back alleys, but during the Japanese colonial period, it was called “Showa-cho” – a residential district for high-ranking officers of the Japanese colonial government, built here because of the proximity to the Office of the Governor-General.


You can still spot the Japanese-style buildings in the area to this day. Following the end of World War II, the former dwellings of high-ranking officers were turned into housing for National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University and various government agencies.


It’s impossible to ignore the antique shops, teahouses and exotic restaurants that you find everywhere in this neighborhood, a cultural blend of the old and the new. A stroll here is something of a journey back in time.


Suggested Route: Planet 6 Art Space – Hui Liu Wild Tea Shop – Yeh Tang Teahouse – Old House – Black Tide Coffeehouse – Cozy Coffeehouse – James Kitchen – Mei’s Tea Bar – Roaster Family Coffee – Boston Barbershop – Earth Tree Fair Trade & Eco Shop – Cello Pasta – Yongkang Park – Barden Cafe – Truffle’s One chocolate shop – Bunny Listens to the Music – Showa-cho


Nearby MRT station: Guting MRT station (transfer to Yongkang Street by bus)