2010-10-20 15:57:41台北文化護照小天使

The Good, Old Stories of Huayin Street

Creative Lifestyle Stroll: The Good, Old Stories of Huayin Street


The area surrounding Huayin Street was once the commercial center of Taipei City during the Japanese colonial period (1895-1945). If you walk down Chongqing North Road, Chengde Road, Taiyuan Road or Zhengzhou Road, you are bound to discover some of the best old shops the city has to offer. Since December 1999, the Taipei City Government has designated the area a pedestrian-friendly district. It is the second pedestrian mall in the capital city, following the Ximending area.


Suggested route: Taiyuan Road → Central Theatre → Taipei Tobacco Plant → Jiancheng Swimming Pool → Jinlong Music HallHuayin Street → Bridge Hotel → Taipei Train Station


Nearby MRT Station: Taipei Main Station