2022-07-23 14:09:59流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1118)Snoopy vs. The Red Baron

此首《Snoopy vs. the Red Baron》( 史奴比大戰紅男爵 ) 算是一首「新異歌曲 ( novelty song )。歌曲的靈感源自於美國報紙的連載漫畫「Peanuts」,故事中史奴比想像自己駕著英國Sopwith Camel ( 索普威思 駱駝 ) 式戰機大戰德國的「紅男爵」。歌曲由佛羅里達的流行樂團The Royal Guardsmen於1966錄製發行,才短短一個多月的時間,由初時的122名衝到了第2名 ( 仍不敵The Monkees的《I'm a Believer》)。歌雖然出了名,卻被漫畫的原作者Charles Schulz和連環漫畫發表連盟UFS提告侵權,官司結果,The Royal Guardsmen需返還所有的版權費。之後,Schulz同意樂團繼續寫Snoopy相關的歌曲。

Peanuts (花生)漫畫中的角色人物

Sopwith Camel雙翼機

歌曲中的「紅男爵」,其實就是指一戰時的德國空戰英雄Manfred von Richthofen,這位老兄的確了得,是飛行王牌中的王牌,曾擊落80架的敵機,獲頒普魯士最高軍士勳章Blue Max,而且極其囂張招搖,將其座機漆成紅色,讓敵方不注意到他也不行 ( 而之後其隊員也有將飛機部份漆成紅色,想藉以分散注意及保護他之意。) 。1918,Richthofen在空戰中身亡 ( 29歲 ),由其胸部槍傷的角度,研判極有可能是被地面的機槍射中所致。



Richthofen喜歡駕駛的Fokker Dr. 1三翼機 (複刻版)

1966,美國福斯電影公司出品了一部由喬治比柏和烏蘇拉安德絲等主演的電影「藍徽特攻隊 ( The Blue Max )」,即是講述Manfred von Richthofen的故事。此片也是台長唯一看過由影片公司自行「試片」的電影,由於尚未送「電檢處」,片中可見女主角裸胸的鏡頭,在當時保守的年代,印象相當深刻。


歌曲的開頭有一段假造(?)的德語,然後故意錯譯為:Attention! We will now sing together the story of that pig-headed dog [Snoopy] and the beloved Red Baron。在歌曲1:46到1:54這一段,原本是套用McCoys樂團《Hang on Sloopy》的歌詞( 將Sloopy改成Snoopy ),而由於版權的問題,在發行前已將歌詞刪除,只留下了略為變體的和絃。

亂談(92)Hang on Sloopy




"Achtung! Jetzt wir singen zusammen
die Geschichte über den schweinköpfigen Hund
und dem lieben Red Baron"
After the turn of the century
In the clear blue skies over Germany
Came a roar and a thunder man had never heard
Like the screaming sound of a big war bird
Up in the sky, a man in a plane
Baron von Richthofen was his name
Eighty men tried, and eighty men died
Now they're buried together on the countryside
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Bloody Red Baron was rolling out the score
Eighty men died trying to end that spree
Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany
In the nick of time, a hero arose
A funny-looking dog with a big black nose
He flew into the sky to seek revenge
But the Baron shot him down ("Curses, foiled again!")
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Bloody Red Baron was rolling out the score
Eighty men died trying to end that spree
Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany
Now, Snoopy had sworn that he'd get that man
So he asked the Great Pumpkin for a new battle plan
He challenged the German to a real dogfight
While the Baron was laughing, he got him in his sight
That Bloody Red Baron was in a fix
He'd tried everything, but he'd run out of tricks
Snoopy fired once, and he fired twice
And that Bloody Red Baron went spinning out of sight
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Bloody Red Baron was rolling out the score
Eighty men died trying to end that spree
Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany