2019-12-12 14:09:32流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(959)I'll Follow The Sun

此曲為Paul McCartney在16歲時所寫 (1958),而The Beatles一直拖到1964才錄製發行,或許是覺得此曲曲風和樂團當時所標榜的搖滾風有些不合,而之後有可能是為了對應專輯《Beatles for Sale》中的另一首《Mr. Moonlight》,才將此首《I'll Follow The Sun》納入。此曲在1965瑞典的排行榜獲得第4名。
至於歌詞的意思,無疑是情侶分手、男的要離開了。至於是因為感覺不對或是出於無奈,則由聽者各自去解讀了。由歌詞:For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun. 應該是覺得前景不看好吧!
此曲雖然不算是Beatles的暢銷熱門曲,但喜歡此曲的聽友及翻唱者並不少。以下所貼The MonaLisa Twins 這對由澳洲遷居英國的雙胞姊妹,她們翻唱了不少Beatles的歌曲,也具有相當的水準,請大家一起來欣賞。
亂談(609)Mr. Moonlight
One day, you'll look
To see I've goneFor tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun
Someday, you'll know
I was the one
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun
And now the time has come
And so, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know
One day, you'll find
That I have gone
But tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun
Yeah, tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun
And now the time has come
And so, my love, I must go
And though I lose a friend
In the end you will know
One day, you'll find
That I have gone
For tomorrow may rain, so
I'll follow the sun
老哥真是毅力驚人. 持續不斷的介紹老歌.這首和我差不多老, 所以很陌生,沒聽過呢.
祝您新年萬事如意, 平安健康!
哈哈,閒著也是閒著,自娛娛人而已,等哪天不想寫了就停工,應該也不會被處罰吧?!倒是妳,還有在上班嗎 ( 弟弟公司 ) ?有時寫寫新聞台,也可當作是生活上情緒或是壓力的出口,不然,光是靠遠紅外線恐怕還不太夠。( 呵呵,開開玩笑!) 2019-12-18 19:01:39
2019-12-15 03:41:37