2019-12-06 15:51:15流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(958)Old Flame
美國鄉村搖滾樂團Alabama成立於1969,主要成員為主唱兼旋律吉他手Randy Owen,及分別擔任貝士及主奏吉他手的兩位表兄弟。1972,決定轉為職業樂團並更名為Wildcountry,雖然也發行了兩張專輯,但並不成功。1977再改名為Alabama,之後有兩首單曲入榜,因而在1980年4月得到了與RCA唱片公司簽約的機會。
說來令人難以置信,Alabama在RCA發行的第一首單曲《Tennessee River》,即攻下了鄉村榜的冠軍,而且自此開始,連續21首單曲都是冠軍曲。80年代,是Alabama最為輝煌的時期,總共有27首的鄉村榜冠軍曲。
人在氣勢旺的時候,隨手拈來都會是寶。Alabama在某次表演後遇到寫此首《Old Flame》的作者之一,隨口問說有沒什麼新歌可以給他們唱?正巧作者的口袋有此曲的Demo帶,就被交給了Alabama,Alabama很快地錄製發行了此首單曲 ( 1981 ),也成為了他們第3首的冠軍曲。
Old Flame由字面翻是「老火燄」,但一般指的是「舊情人」。其實這首歌在愛情和雙方的關係上拋下了一個讓人省思的話題:即當發現正在愛的對方,還難以忘卻、割捨她的老情人,或許在程度上未必會「舊情復燃」,你會讓此段感情終止還是繼續?換一個面向來說,倘真正的是對感情負責,應該是先處理好前一段再接受新的吧!可惜在愛情的世界裡,往往不是如此。
I saw you staring at each other
I saw your eyes be-gin to glow
And I could tell you once were lover's
You ain't hiding nothing I don't know
There's an old flame, burning in your eyes
That tears can't drown, and make-up can't disguise
That old flame may not be stronger, but it's been burning longer
Than any spark I might have, started in your eyes
You said it ended when he left you
You say your love for him is gone
But those old memories still up set you
For I might be a memory before to long
There's an old flame burning in your eyes
That tears can't drown and make-up can't disguise
That old flame may not be stronger, but it's been burning longer
Than any spark I might have, started in your eyes
There's an old flame burning in your eyes
That tears can't drown, and make-up can't disguise
I saw your eyes be-gin to glow
And I could tell you once were lover's
You ain't hiding nothing I don't know
There's an old flame, burning in your eyes
That tears can't drown, and make-up can't disguise
That old flame may not be stronger, but it's been burning longer
Than any spark I might have, started in your eyes
You said it ended when he left you
You say your love for him is gone
But those old memories still up set you
For I might be a memory before to long
There's an old flame burning in your eyes
That tears can't drown and make-up can't disguise
That old flame may not be stronger, but it's been burning longer
Than any spark I might have, started in your eyes
There's an old flame burning in your eyes
That tears can't drown, and make-up can't disguise