2019-11-15 20:01:27流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(954)Half A Boy And Half A Man

此曲為英國歌手兼詞曲作家Nick Lowe所寫,並收錄在他1984的專輯《Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit》中。此專輯雖然受到樂評給予還不錯的評價,但在美國告示牌專輯排行榜前200中只名列第113,而此首《Half A Boy And Half A Man》在英國排行榜獲得第53名,算是中等暢銷曲。
Nick Lowe在1979和美國鄉村女歌手Carlene Carter結婚,Carlene是梅開三度,而Nick Lowe也很有風度的接受了她和首任丈夫所生的女兒來冠以他的姓。倆人在1990離異後各自再嫁娶,卻仍保有不錯的朋友關係。
亂談(896)Adios Mexico / Texas Tornados
亂談(933)I Fell In Love / Carlene Carter
You'd better run
You'd better hideYou'd better lock you house and keep the kids inside.
Here come the twentieth century's latest scam
He's a half a boy and half a ma
He ain't a fool but he's a tool
Because his left don't know what his right hand's doin'.
He'd keep a King Kong eating out of the palm of his hand
Now he's a half a boy and half a man.
Or else the S.P.G. 's gonna clear the streets.
They never made no provision in the original plan for half a boy and half a man
When his fingers do the walking in the middle of the night.
When his people stalk in, baby
Let me tell you, nothing comes out right.
Best be fleet up on your feet
When his fingers do the walking in the middle of the night
You'd better run
You'd better hide
He's a half a boy and half a man
He's a half a boy and half a man
He's a half a boy and half a man, come on.