2019-08-26 14:11:09流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(939)The Way I Am

此曲為美國鄉村歌手Merle Haggard於1980所發行專輯《The Way I Am》的同名主打單曲,在鄉村排行榜獲得第2名。
1982,Merle Haggard和George Jones合出了一張專輯《A Taste of Yesterday's Wine》,其中翻唱Willie Nelson的一首《Yesterday's Wine》,竟然拿下了鄉村榜的冠軍,因而更加深了倆人的情誼。2006,倆人再度合作出了專輯《Kickin' Out the Footlights…Again》,唯此次的方式和先前有些不同,由倆人各自錄唱對方的5首歌曲,其中4首後製成雙人合唱曲。而收錄在該專輯中的這首《The Way I Am》,卻是由George Jones獨唱。此專輯在鄉村專輯榜獲得第25名,也獲得許多正面的評價。然而也有樂評認為Jones的歌喉已日益「乾枯」,顯得單薄和沙啞。這些樂評說的或許沒錯,但在2006,Jones已是76歲的高齡( Haggard小他6歲 ),尚能有如此的表現,已屬難能可貴了。
George Jones最為知名的當然就是他的酗酒了,曾因為喝酒在好幾次的舞台表演搞失蹤,而得到了個「No Show Jones」的綽號。另外就是曾娶了號稱「鄉村音樂第一夫人」的Tammy Wynette ( 1969─1975 ),Wynette的《Stand by Your Man》及Jones的《He Stopped Loving Her Today》,目前在CMT歷來100首最佳的鄉村歌曲排名,仍高掛第1、2名,真可謂是歌后歌王了。
亂談(10) okie from Muskogee
亂談(336) He Stopped Loving Her Today
Wish I was down on some blue bayou
But the road I'm on, don't seem to go there
So I just dream, keep on being the way I am
Wish I enjoyed what makes my living
Did what I do with a willin' hand
Some would run, ah, but that ain't like me
So I just dream and keep on bein' the way I am
The way I am, don't fit my shackles
The way I am, reality
I can almost see that bobber dancin'
So I just dream, keep on being the way I am
The way I am, don't fit my shackles
The way I am, reality
I can almost see that bobber dancin',
So I just dream, keep on bein' the way I am
I just dream, keep on bein' the way I am