2019-08-09 13:14:25流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(936)A Summer Song

Chad & Jeremy這個英國歌唱雙人組於1962即開始合作,1963推出他們的首支單曲《Yesterday's Gone》,即打進英國排行榜 ( # 37 ),算是一炮而紅。但緊接著的單曲《Like I Love You Today》( 1964 ) 卻無特別的反應,Chad在後來的回憶中談及,認為是當時的小型唱片公司在市場上難有競爭力。

此首《A Summer Song》也同樣是在1964發行,剛開始時在電視節目Juke Box Jury中播放,被評審來賓Ringo Starr ( 披頭合唱團的鼓手 ) 評估為「失敗」,也沒有在美國成為暢銷曲的潛力。話雖是如此講,而人要走運是城牆也擋不住。由於當時「英倫入侵 」→美國市場蔚為風潮,Chad & Jeremy應該是搭上了這班順風車,其之前的《Yesterday's Gone》衝上了美國排行榜近前20名,此首《A Summer Song》更拿下了美國排行榜的第7名,而Chad & Jeremy也被認為是「英倫入侵」的成員之一。可惜好景不常,在接下來遭受到一些的商業失敗,導致倆人對前景的意見分岐,終於在1968拆夥。再提一下,前述其首支成名的單曲,竟也成了該二人組唯一進入英國排行榜的歌曲。


美國三人合唱團體The Lettermen的版本

Trees swayin' in the summer breeze
Showin' off their silver leaves
As we walked by
Soft kisses on a summer's day
Laughing all our cares away
Just you and I
Sweet sleepy warmth of summer nights
Gazing at the distant lights
In the starry sky
They say that all good things must end some day
Autumn leaves must fall
But don't you know that it hurts me so
To say goodbye to you
Wish you didn't have to go
No, no, no, no
And when the rain
Beats against my windowpane
I'll think of summer days again
And dream of you
They say that all good things must end some day
Autumn leaves must fall
But don't you know that it hurts me so
To say goodbye to you
Wish you didn't have to go
No no no no
And when the rain
Beats against my windowpane
I'll think of summer days again
And dream of you
And dream of you